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Is there a commercial use license or key available for FSUIPC. I am building a home cockpit that I plan on using as a teaching aid (flight instructing) and also to rent to my students for procedural and general practice.

Because this is a type of "commercial-use," I wanted to ask before taking the leap. I haven't been able to locate an EULA for FSUIPC. Thanks.


Because this is a type of "commercial-use," I wanted to ask before taking the leap. I haven't been able to locate an EULA for FSUIPC.

There is no published EULA as such. It was free for all uses whilst I was still earning or regular salary from other work, and only became payware when that source dried up. Otherwise I couldn't have continued.

Because the use of FSUIPC varies so enormously from one commercial user to another I found it best to discuss needs and do deals separately with each one. The use of FSUIPC to extract an aircraft position for display on a map in a shareware utility program, for example, is far less than that for a full blown commercial training cockpit. And there's a lot of difference between folks who are charging something for their shareware software in order to recoup costs and larger companies making a profit from selling goods or software using FSUIPC.

From what you have said I'd not be unhappy for you to continue without any other agreement than my permission, which you have now, but if you do make yourself a tidy fortune please be sure to remember me! ;-) And thank you for being so considerate to ask -- many do not.




Hello Pete..

Blackbox, as you may or may not know, are in the process of producing a new Airbus Sim for FSX..

This relies heavily on them having FSUIPC installed ( But not necassarily registered) for the FBW and Autoflight modules

I would appreciate it if you could drop me a line with a view to your requirements for licencing this Pete, please ?



I would appreciate it if you could drop me a line with a view to your requirements for licencing this Pete, please ?

You'll need to deal with this by email. Write to petedowson@btconnect.com, please.



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