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Localiser/glideslope capture

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Good evening fellow simmers & cockpitbuilders. :)

I'd basically like to make an LED illuminate, as my aircraft capture the localiser, and another one when I capture the glideslope. But I'm not really sure to which offsets I should pay attention.

My guess would be to use the offset 0C48 for the localiser needle, and the 0C49 for the glideslope needle.

Lets say I'm using the 0C48 to register when i capture the localiser. When the parameters gets between -127 & +127 the localiser needle will be active. Is this correct?



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That your radio receives a Glideslope signal. You need that because from the needle values you cannot exactly tell, 127 can be the value at 100 km from the airport (GS not alive), but also when the GS is alive but you are way below the glide.

In my sim the GS offsets work well ...

Same principle as for "Localiser tuned in".

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Ok, I understand the principle but having some troubles figuring out how to write this in sioc. Here's what I've got now:


Var 0001, name gs_alive, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $0C4C, Length 1


IF &gs_alive = 1


&gs_alive_ind = 1


IF &gs_alive = 0


&gs_alive_ind = 0



Var 0002, name gs_alive_ind, Link IOCARD_OUT, Device 1, Output 39

Var 0003, name loc_tuned, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $0C4A, Length 1


IF &loc_tuned = 1


&loc_tuned_ind = 1


IF &loc_tuned = 0


&loc_tuned_ind = 0



Var 0004, name loc_tuned_ind, Link IOCARD_OUT, Device 1, Output 41


Obviously the Loc tuned in feature works, but how can I add the needle position?

And the same for the Glideslope? I did a test here for the GS, to see if anything happened when it came alive. Unfortunately nothing happened.

- Lasse

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Hi Lasse,

I can see that you are not a SIOC programmer yet ;-)

Here example SIOC code to display the GS needle and Localiser needle values -if alive- at four digit displays (most left digit blank or minus and then 3 digit value):

You have to update the digit numbers to your hardware.

Have not tested it but this is how you should do it in SIOC.

Var 1 name gs_alive Link FSUIPC_IN Offset $0C4C Length 1

Var 2 name gs Link FSUIPC_IN Offset $0C49 Length 1

IF &gs_alive = 1
&D_gs = &gs
IF &gs < 0
D_gss = -999998 // minus sign
D_gss = -999999 // blank
&D_gs = -999999 // blank
&D_gss = -999999 // blank

Var 4 name D_gs Link IOCARD_DISPLAY Digit 1 Numbers 3
Var 5 name D_gss Link IOCARD_DISPLAY Digit 4 Numbers 1

Var 10 name loc_tuned Link FSUIPC_IN Offset $0C4A Length 1
&loc_tuned_in = TESTBIT &loc_tuned 1

Var 11 name loc_tuned_in


Var 12 name loc Link FSUIPC_IN Offset $0C48 Length 1

IF &loc_tuned_in = 1
&D_LOC = &loc
IF &loc < 0
D_locs = -999998 // minus sign
D_locs = -999999 // blank
&D_loc = -999999 // blank
&D_locs = -999999 // blank

Var 14 name D_loc Link IOCARD_DISPLAY Digit 5 Numbers 3
Var 15 name D_locs Link IOCARD_DISPLAY Digit 8 Numbers 1



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