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Is it possible to get acces to the radio's of the Digital Aviation Fokker 100 by using FSUIPC or programming with Lua?

Is there a possibility to use the com nav radio Airbus from Fscockpit?




Is it possible to get acces to the radio's of the Digital Aviation Fokker 100 by using FSUIPC or programming with Lua?

I don't know of any aircraft in FS which have radios which are NOT accessible via standard FS controls and therefore also via FSUIPC, which allows assignments to any FS controls in any case. Why do you think there would be any problems?

Is there a possibility to use the com nav radio Airbus from Fscockpit?

Sorry, I don't understand this part. What is a "com nav radio Airbus"? That seems too many words joined together without any direct connection.



Hi Pete,

The com nav radio Airbus is a device that is made by FSCockpit.eu and is working as far as I know with the standard way Flightsim X is handling the radio's.

The Digital Aviuation Fokker however is using for the navigation and adf radio's a different way. The se radio's are only accessible by using the mouse and pointing at he 2d panel. Digital Aviation Fokker has a keyassigner so may be I can do something with that, but I would like to use a device that I push a button and turn a knob. I am wondering if I can make something that I can programm or someone can do it for me using FSUIPC.

Best regards,



The Digital Aviuation Fokker however is using for the navigation and adf radio's a different way. The se radio's are only accessible by using the mouse and pointing at he 2d panel.

But if those radios are completely divorced from the NAV and ADF radio simulation inside FS, they won't be of any use at all. The regular FS controls will change the values FS is using to determine things like reception quality, direction, range, and radial, according to the type of transmitter. I really doubt that DA would have implemented the whole process of processing all the BGLs to locate the transmitters and their frequencies and gone on to compute all these things themselves. It would make no sense at all.

Possibly you are saying that the gauges concerned, the ones with the frequencies displayed on screen, are not updated with the values currently in use by FS. If so that is a severe limitation of their implementation, because it would mean that their displays will be wrong on loading a saved Flight with different frequencies stored. However, this deficiency would not stop you using a hardware implementation of radio controls in order to change the frequencies really in use.

Possibly I am minuderstanding your problem, but if so perhaps you could clarify it further?




I can control the com radio's with VRInsight combo. But when I want to that with the Nav or ADF radio it doesnot work. for instance the ADF radio'd frequency is 200 I can see it onthe 2d Fokker panel as well on the VRInsight cmbo. But when I change the frequency on the combo to 328 it will not show on the Fokker panel. after a while I will get the 200 frequency back. When I change freuqencies on the plane's panel I will get the same frequency back on the VRInsght. That is my problem and I think another device such as FScockpit nav com for Airbus, or the one Saitek has made will give the same problems.

So while it is working for the com radio's, why is it noworking for the nav radio's Is there a way of working around with the keyassigner of the DAFokker, or do you know any other solution?

Thanks anyway for your help and your time.




I can control the com radio's with VRInsight combo. But when I want to that with the Nav or ADF radio it doesnot work. for instance the ADF radio'd frequency is 200 I can see it onthe 2d Fokker panel as well on the VRInsight cmbo. But when I change the frequency on the combo to 328 it will not show on the Fokker panel. after a while I will get the 200 frequency back. When I change freuqencies on the plane's panel I will get the same frequency back on the VRInsght. That is my problem and I think another device such as FScockpit nav com for Airbus, or the one Saitek has made will give the same problems.

Are you setting the standby then transferring it to the "use" setting, or trying to set directly? It sounds like some of the radio controls you are using are being trapped and discarded. I can't imagine why.

Try enabling the Event logging in FSUIPC's logging and comparing the controls sent when you operate the radios with the mouse with those the hardware controls are sending.

So while it is working for the com radio's, why is it noworking for the nav radio's Is there a way of working around with the keyassigner of the DAFokker, or do you know any other solution?

I've no idea yet because I still have no information on what is going on. Try the logging. If you switch FSX to Windowed mode (ALT +ENTER) you can select the console window logging in FSUIPC so you can see immediately what controls are being sent in a window to the side of FSX.



Hi Pete,

I have enabled the eventlog in FSUIPC. So I will close it in in this message.

First I did the ADF radio by VRInsightcombo and than maually by the mouse on the 2d panel.

The same I did for the nav radio. First VRInsight and than by mouse.

Best regards,


********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.853 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name="Leo Bultje"

User Addr="l.bultje@planet.nl"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WideFS7 Key is provided

436507 System time = 22/09/2012 12:56:21, Simulator time = 12:26:04 (18:26Z)

[Continuation log requested by user]

Running inside FSX on Windows Vista

Module base=64E00000

437099 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N

437177 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3486, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

437333 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3488, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

437864 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3490, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

438020 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

438020 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

438191 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3492, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

438379 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3495, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

438940 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3497, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

439205 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3500, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

439580 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3502, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

440141 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

440141 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

440235 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3504, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

440407 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3506, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

440921 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1

440921 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

441109 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3509, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

441389 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3512, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

441467 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=1

441467 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

441467 KEYDOWN: VK=56, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1

441467 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

441467 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65913 (0x00010179), Param= 0 (0x00000000) PANEL_8

441545 KEYUP: VK=56, Waiting=0

441701 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3514, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

441935 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0

442232 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

442232 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

442232 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3516, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

442559 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3518, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

442715 KEYDOWN: VK=56, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0

442715 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

442778 KEYUP: VK=56, Waiting=0

442825 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3520, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

443137 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1

443137 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

443308 KEYDOWN: VK=56, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1

443308 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

443324 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65913 (0x00010179), Param= 0 (0x00000000) PANEL_8

443417 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3523, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

443417 KEYUP: VK=56, Waiting=0

443605 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3526, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

443745 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0

443917 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3528, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

444260 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

444260 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

444587 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3530, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

444743 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3532, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

448597 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3918, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

448737 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3920, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

448940 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

448940 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

449283 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3922, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

449642 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3924, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

449845 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3926, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

450422 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3928, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

450749 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3931, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

450843 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 34603008 (0x02100000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

451015 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

451015 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

451093 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3934, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

451451 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 35651584 (0x02200000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

451639 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3936, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

451810 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 36700160 (0x02300000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

451810 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3938, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

452060 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37748736 (0x02400000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

452325 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3940, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

452918 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3943, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

453105 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

453105 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

453105 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3945, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

453199 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37748736 (0x02400000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

453199 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66556 (0x000103fc), Param= 33554432 (0x02000000) ADF2_COMPLETE_SET

453791 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3948, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

453979 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3950, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

454228 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37769216 (0x02405000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

454556 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37814272 (0x02410000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

454899 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37834752 (0x02415000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

454899 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3954, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

455071 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3957, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

455242 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

455242 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

455414 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3959, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

455929 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3961, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

456131 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3964, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

456475 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3967, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

457067 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3969, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

457426 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37879808 (0x02420000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

457426 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

457426 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

457629 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3974, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

458269 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3976, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

458440 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3978, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

459127 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3981, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

459329 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3984, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

459532 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

459532 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

459829 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3986, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

460484 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3988, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

460577 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3990, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

461108 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3992, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

461576 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3996, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

461576 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

461576 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

461732 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 3998, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

462278 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4000, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

462652 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4002, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

462918 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4004, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

463744 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

463744 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

463744 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4009, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

464119 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4012, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

464774 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4014, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

464946 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4016, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

465585 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4018, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

465866 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

465866 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

466116 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4023, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

466771 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4026, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

466942 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4028, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

467286 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4030, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

467956 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

467956 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

467956 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4033, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

468144 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4035, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

468752 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4037, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

469267 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4042, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

469797 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4044, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

470078 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

470078 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

470967 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4051, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

472106 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

472106 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

472106 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4058, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

472434 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4061, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

473292 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37879808 (0x02420000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

473292 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66556 (0x000103fc), Param= 33554432 (0x02000000) ADF2_COMPLETE_SET

473292 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4065, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

474274 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

474274 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

474649 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4075, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

475335 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 38928384 (0x02520000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

475335 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 38928384 (0x02520000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

475632 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 39976960 (0x02620000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

475632 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 39976960 (0x02620000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

475850 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4083, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

475944 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4085, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

476396 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

476396 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

476973 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4091, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

477582 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 56754176 (0x03620000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

477582 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 56754176 (0x03620000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

477582 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4095, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

478003 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 73531392 (0x04620000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

478003 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 73531392 (0x04620000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

478440 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

478440 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

478627 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4105, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

479110 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4109, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

479984 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4113, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

480249 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4115, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

480608 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

480608 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

480608 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4117, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

482121 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4125, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

482277 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4127, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

482652 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4129, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

482761 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

482761 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

483400 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4134, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

483946 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4136, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

484040 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 73531392 (0x04620000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

484040 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 73531392 (0x04620000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

484477 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4141, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

484570 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4143, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

484898 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

484898 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

486318 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4152, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

486895 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

486895 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

486910 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4157, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

487425 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4159, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

487768 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4162, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

488798 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4168, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

489079 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

489079 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

489594 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4173, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

489921 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4176, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

490249 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4178, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

491107 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

491107 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

491434 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4184, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

492308 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4190, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

493322 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

493322 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

493322 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37879808 (0x02420000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

493322 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66556 (0x000103fc), Param= 33554432 (0x02000000) ADF2_COMPLETE_SET

493322 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4194, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

493603 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4196, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

494258 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4198, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

494461 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4202, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

495381 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

495381 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

495662 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4206, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

496317 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4210, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

496926 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4215, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

497503 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4880 (0x00001310) NAV2_RADIO_SET

497503 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

497503 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4218, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

498127 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4222, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

498954 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4227, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

499593 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

499593 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

500108 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4234, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

501278 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4241, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

501746 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

501746 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

502448 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4248, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

503462 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4253, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

503618 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4255, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

503868 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

503868 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

505896 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

505896 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

506052 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4269, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

506754 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4273, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

507222 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4276, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

507924 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4281, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

508017 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

508017 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

508392 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4283, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

508907 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4285, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

509453 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4289, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

510155 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

510155 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

510155 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4293, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

510825 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4297, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

511465 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4301, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

512292 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

512292 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

513384 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37879808 (0x02420000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

513384 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66556 (0x000103fc), Param= 33554432 (0x02000000) ADF2_COMPLETE_SET

513462 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4313, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

513914 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4315, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

514367 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

514367 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

514632 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4320, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

515630 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4325, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

516332 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4330, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

516535 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

516535 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

516987 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4333, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

517596 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4338, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

518235 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4342, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

518610 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

518610 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

519093 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4347, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

520731 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

520731 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

520887 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4356, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

520965 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 2064 (0x00000810) NAV1_STBY_SET

520965 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65708 (0x000100ac), Param= 5920 (0x00001720) NAV1_RADIO_SET

522229 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4367, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

522837 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

522837 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

524366 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 5904 (0x00001710) NAV1_STBY_SET

524585 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 2064 (0x00000810) NAV1_STBY_SET

524585 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4382, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

524881 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

524881 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

525037 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 2320 (0x00000910) NAV1_STBY_SET

525568 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4390, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

525724 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4392, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

526270 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4394, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

526457 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 4112 (0x00001010) NAV1_STBY_SET

526597 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4397, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

526909 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4399, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

527050 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

527050 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

527705 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 4368 (0x00001110) NAV1_STBY_SET

527986 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4408, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

528641 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4410, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

529140 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

529140 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

530591 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 4373 (0x00001115) NAV1_STBY_SET

531152 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 4384 (0x00001120) NAV1_STBY_SET

531246 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

531246 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

531246 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4428, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

532744 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4435, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

533352 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

533352 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

533446 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37879808 (0x02420000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

533446 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66556 (0x000103fc), Param= 33554432 (0x02000000) ADF2_COMPLETE_SET

533867 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 5920 (0x00001720) NAV1_STBY_SET

533867 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65708 (0x000100ac), Param= 4384 (0x00001120) NAV1_RADIO_SET

534163 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4447, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

534428 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4449, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

535458 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

535458 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

537580 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

537580 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

538282 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4472, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

538594 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4475, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

539623 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4481, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

539686 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

539686 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

540949 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4489, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

541776 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

541776 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

542774 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4497, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

543071 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

543071 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

543289 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4503, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

543664 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

543664 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

544366 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

544366 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

546518 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4352 (0x00001100) NAV2_RADIO_SET

546518 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

546596 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

546596 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

546799 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4523, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

546971 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

546971 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

547158 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

547158 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

547423 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4526, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

547704 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

547704 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

548125 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4531, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

548765 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4535, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

549295 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4537, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

549779 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4384 (0x00001120) NAV2_RADIO_SET

549779 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

551916 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 2048 (0x00000800) NAV2_RADIO_SET

551916 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

553476 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 37879808 (0x02420000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

553476 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66556 (0x000103fc), Param= 33554432 (0x02000000) ADF2_COMPLETE_SET

554006 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4384 (0x00001120) NAV2_RADIO_SET

554006 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

554974 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4570, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

555613 Exception 15 "WEATHER_UNABLE_TO_GET_OBSERVATION", Ref 4574, Index param -1 on Weather request type 7

555800 KEYDOWN: VK=80, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0

555800 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

555800 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65561 (0x00010019), Param= 0 (0x00000000) PAUSE_TOGGLE


Hi Pete,

I have enabled the eventlog in FSUIPC. So I will close it in in this message.

First I did the ADF radio by VRInsightcombo and than maually by the mouse on the 2d panel.

The same I did for the nav radio. First VRInsight and than by mouse.

Did you not view the results in real time in the FSUIPC console log, as I advised? Otherwise I am dependent upon you to identify which of the logged changes were done by which method.

Actually only one type of control was used in any case, the direct setting ones, no INCs nor DECs.

438020 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4469 (0x00001175) NAV2_RADIO_SET

438020 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET

450843 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66479 (0x000103af), Param= 34603008 (0x02100000) ADF_COMPLETE_SET

453199 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66556 (0x000103fc), Param= 33554432 (0x02000000) ADF2_COMPLETE_SET

I think you need to observe what happens as you do these things, as I can't see what you are doing when.

Not that it is relevant, but I'm not sure why you are getting so many failures to read the weather -- what weather are you using?



I amusing for the wearher Real World weather. I have no idea why in the log it is showing Exception 15 unable toget observation.

The logfile is keeping on scrolling so it is hard to observe waht is happening when I push the button to change adf or nav frequencies. How can I avoid that?



I amusing for the wearher Real World weather. I have no idea why in the log it is showing Exception 15 unable toget observation.

That program is evidently not setting the weather stations. Which is odd. Unfortunately you did not send a proper log, only a "continuation log" (WHY did you press the "New Log" button? Please don't! It causes all the initialisation stuff to be chopped off in the other, previous log!(.

The logfile is keeping on scrolling so it is hard to observe waht is happening when I push the button to change adf or nav frequencies. How can I avoid that?

It can't be scrolling that fast -- a few lines per second, that's all, as I can see in the log. Just lengthen the Window. For now, to test this, don't run your weather program, leave normal FS weather enabled.

Only make one small change at a time.



Well I am have no clue what causes the weather problem I have checked everything. Setting ADF 1 radio frequency on the VRInsight for instance 1643 and on the 2d panel it is 200. It will stay that way. on the VRIinsight it says 1643 and than it will fall back to 1603. The otherway around when I do 456 on the 2d panel VRInsight will show 456.

In the log file I find those figures back. I put in 1653 and after a very short while it falls back to 1603. I did not type all the 0000 behand the figures.

When I type in the Nav1 radio 1500 on the 2d panel it says in the logfile Nav 2 radio set. On the VRInsight it is laso showing as Nav 2 radio and gives the same 1500 freqeuncy.

When I use Nav radio for ILS it sys nav1 radio in the 2d panel I put up 111.4 it will also be seen on the VRInsight.

I will do the same for Nav2 radio and Nav 1 radio from the VRInsight. When I set the radio to 109.85 the log file will show 0985 and it is not shown on the 2d panel it stays on the old frequency.

For the Nav 2 radio it is the same.



Well I am have no clue what causes the weather problem I have checked everything. Setting ADF 1 radio frequency on the VRInsight for instance 1643 and on the 2d panel it is 200. It will stay that way. on the VRIinsight it says 1643 and than it will fall back to 1603. The otherway around when I do 456 on the 2d panel VRInsight will show 456.

In the log file I find those figures back. I put in 1653 and after a very short while it falls back to 1603. I did not type all the 0000 behand the figures.

When I type in the Nav1 radio 1500 on the 2d panel it says in the logfile Nav 2 radio set. On the VRInsight it is laso showing as Nav 2 radio and gives the same 1500 freqeuncy.

When I use Nav radio for ILS it sys nav1 radio in the 2d panel I put up 111.4 it will also be seen on the VRInsight.

I will do the same for Nav2 radio and Nav 1 radio from the VRInsight. When I set the radio to 109.85 the log file will show 0985 and it is not shown on the 2d panel it stays on the old frequency.

For the Nav 2 radio it is the same.

Sorry, then. I'm just as baffled about what they are doing as you. Is there any support for this aircraft? I think you need them to sort this mess out. I find it very strange indeed that any add-on maker would mess about so much with the radio setting system implemented in FS by default, as it works perfectly well.




The support was good in the beginning, but now when I asked them tio help me with radio problems the support is poor and on low profile. I was thinking because there is possibility to use key-commands to do something with that, but I don't know whow toprogram keys via LUA or something like that.

Thank you for your support.




The support was good in the beginning, but now when I asked them tio help me with radio problems the support is poor and on low profile. I was thinking because there is possibility to use key-commands to do something with that, but I don't know whow toprogram keys via LUA or something like that.

You don't need to use Lua to program buttons to send keystrokes! Just assign them in the Button assignments options, left-hand side. Please see the User Guide section on button assignments.


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