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Simmarket bought in FSUIPC 3 and the upgrade to FSUIPC4.

Now I want the WIDEFS7.

But I do not know if it is already in the FSUIPC4 or I have to buy separately.

Do I have to buy first and then Widefs7 Widefs6? Or do I have to purchase directly widefs7?

What do I do?

Fermín López


Compré en Simmarket el FSUIPC 3 y la actualización al FSUIPC4.

Ahora quiero el WIDEFS7.

Pero no sé si ya está en el FSUIPC4 o la tengo que comprar a parte.

¿Tengo que comprar primero la Widefs6 y después la Widefs7? ¿o directamente tengo que comprar la widefs7?

¿qué he de hacer?


Fermín López

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While the WideFS server is built into the FSUIPC module, you have to license it seperately:


Once you have a license, re-run the FSUIPC installer and enter your license information to the page at the end.

To upgrade versions of FSUIPC, run the new installer. It will overwrite the outdated files, but not FSUIPC.ini or similar, so you will retain settings you have made. Interim release modules can simply be pasted into the /FSX/Modules folder overwriting the earlier module.

I hope that helps?

Ian P.

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