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I run Extreme FSX in conunction with FSX and fly my missions in Airhauler. FSX "crashes" more often than not in any given session and I have more or less got used to the painful interruptions and inevitable loss in revenue and reptuation that that engenders in Airhauler. I just consider that this is adding my own layer of reality to the sim environment . :???: All to do but reboot and start over but recently, when the system crashed again, I had a bigger problem to contend with.

Afert I reloaded AH and FSX, it seems some files must have got corrupted since I could not get Airhauler to recognize my current locations and activities - and my throttle assignments, functions etc were not longer working. I figured out that the FSUIPC connection was lost somehow I had version 4.85 installed at the time. I tried to install the 4.853 version today ."The signature check fails in the installed FSUIPC.4 dll ." I checked the Internet Options content and Simmarket is not listed on the untrusted publisher list . I rebooted FSX again and the fsuipc module is not visible.

Thanks for any ideas of how to get this untangeld.



I tried to install the 4.853 version today ."The signature check fails in the installed FSUIPC.4 dll ."

Right click on the DLL and select "Properties - Digital Signature" then select the signature (SimFlight not simMarket), and click "Details". It should say "This digital signature is OK". If it doesn't then you have some corruption in the registry, or the Windows DLLs dealing with signatures, encryption or trust, Maybe you have the cryptograhy service of Windows disabled -- look in the Services tab of the Task Manager -- I think it's the one called CryptSvc.

There are two threads in the FAQ subforum dealing with signature checks. Look at both.




Hi Pete

I checked. Digital signatures are ok - and the CryptSvc tab is enabled. The fac that the FSX module is not visible when FSX is running suggests something more is awry. I am heading over to the subforum to see if there is anything else that I might have missed.

I mentioned that I was running FSPS's FX Booster for PC when the system crashed. When I open their program and click the FSUIPC tab, I get an error message stating that FX Booster cannot connect to the internet and to ensure that the firewall is not disabling it. I checked that and the firewall recognizes FSPS as an authorized program. Perhaps the fsx.cfg got corrupted during the crash? I will send an email over to them to see if they have any insights into this as well.




I mentioned that I was running FSPS's FX Booster for PC when the system crashed. When I open their program and click the FSUIPC tab, I get an error message stating that FX Booster cannot connect to the internet and to ensure that the firewall is not disabling it. I checked that and the firewall recognizes FSPS as an authorized program. Perhaps the fsx.cfg got corrupted during the crash? I will send an email over to them to see if they have any insights into this as well.

Yes, good idea. You also need to check the DLL.XML file (in the same folder as the FSX.CFG) -- and if there is an FSUIPC4.LOG file in the Modules folder, show me that. You might also want to get a SimConnect log -- there's a FAQ subfrum thread about how to do that.




Hi Pete

I will attach the dll xml and fsuiipc4.log file for you to check but I followed the instructions on the FAQ forum about manually loading the certificate into the trusted published folder and that brought back the FSUIPC module into the add ons in my FSX . Ran a session with Airhauler today and it seems to work fine again. Am still having problems with FSPS FX Booster not recognizing the FSUIPC folder but I can run with out that for now and wait to see what their support gurus have to say

Thanks again for your help for pointing me in the right directions, - will have to wait about a week to hear from me again. Duty calls ;-{ so the birds will have to stay hangared.


******** FSUIPC4, Version 4.853 by Pete Dowson *********

Running inside FSX

Module base=5CCE0000

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

1419 System time = 13/11/2012 15:42:00

1419 FLT path =

1482 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

1482 FS path = "l:\flight simulator x\"

1981 Assuming running on Vista or later in compatibility mode!

2152 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

2152 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed

2152 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok

2152 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

2152 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07

10857 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

10857 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

10857 FSUIPC Menu entry added

10888 l:\flight simulator x\Flights\AH.FLT

10888 l:\flight simulator x\Flights\AH.PLN

10888 l:\flight simulator x\SimObjects\Airplanes\C208B\Cessna208B.AIR

10888 l:\flight simulator x\Flights\AH.PLN

76518 Aircraft="Cessna Grand Caravan Paint1"

76518 System time = 13/11/2012 15:43:15, Simulator time = 15:41:00 (20:41Z)

79201 Starting everything now ...

82774 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

129683 FSUIPC Display Title set = "AirHauler Message"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25454, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:15"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25455, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:16"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25456, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:17"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25457, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:18"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25458, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:19"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25459, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:20"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25460, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:21"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25461, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:22"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25462, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:23"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25463, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:24"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25464, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:25"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25465, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:26"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25466, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:27"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25467, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:28"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25468, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:29"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25469, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:30"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25470, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:31"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25471, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:32"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25472, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:33"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25473, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:34"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25474, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:35"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25475, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:36"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25476, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:37"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25477, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:38"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25478, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:39"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25479, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:40"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25480, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:41"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25481, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:42"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25482, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:43"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25483, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:44"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25484, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:45"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25485, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:46"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25486, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:47"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25487, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:48"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25488, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:49"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25489, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:50"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25490, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:51"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25491, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:52"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25492, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:53"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25493, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:54"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25494, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:55"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25495, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:56"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25496, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:57"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25497, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:58"

829909 Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 25498, Index param 1 on write SetData for "PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:59"

855135 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 753 secs = 48.0 fps

1019076 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 161 secs = 49.4 fps

1019076 User aircraft crashed!

1030776 Flights\AH.PLN

1030776 Weather Mode now = Theme

1030776 C:\Users\rsquared\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Program generated temporary flight.FLT

1082865 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 35 secs = 64.2 fps

1148916 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 51 secs = 61.4 fps

1543676 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 376 secs = 44.3 fps

1634687 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 87 secs = 26.9 fps

3535528 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 1877 secs = 55.1 fps

3538851 l:\flight simulator x\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR

3538867 l:\flight simulator x\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT

3539506 Aircraft="Aircreation582SL red"

3577960 System time = 13/11/2012 16:41:37, Simulator time = 16:40:58 (00:40Z)

3577960 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Average frame rate for running time of 3349 secs = 51.5 fps

G3D fix: Passes 105253, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0

Memory managed: 1496 Allocs, 1496 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********



Am still having problems with FSPS FX Booster not recognizing the FSUIPC folder ...

Not sure what that means. FSUIPC goes into the FSX Modules folder lie many other addons



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