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I am starting to read up on how to do some compound button functions using FSUIPC for my desktop sim pit where space is at a high premium. For example a set of switches will affect Engine 1 or engine 2 depending on the selection of a Master A/B switch.

I have the same space problem with my throttles. I am wondering if it is possible to do something similar with Throttle, Mixture, and Prop controls. For example, have a center off switch where in the left position those three axis affect the left engine, in the center neither (to allow for repositioning the control to match the sim condition) and to the right, of course, affect the right engine.

Can axis assignments be affected like a compound button function from within FSUIPC, or maybe changed via a lua script. The other thought I had was could I setup a pair of complimentary aircraft configs to affect axis assignments and somehow switch configs programmatically perhaps via a lua script or some other method.

If this is all beyond what can be done then for my desktop sim pit I may be limited to the old standby of common control for both engines, But, if this could be done, it would allow me to handle start up, balancing engines, and engine failure procedures all with one set of controls. Not overly realistic but very cool for a limited space setup like my desktop rig.


Tom G.


Can axis assignments be affected like a compound button function from within FSUIPC, or maybe changed via a lua script.

You'd need to direct them through a Lua plug-in.

The other thought I had was could I setup a pair of complimentary aircraft configs to affect axis assignments and somehow switch configs programmatically perhaps via a lua script or some other method.

I can't think of any way of doing that. But you can use offset 0888 to select which Engines are affected by the generic throttle, prop and mixtre controls. Offset 0888 reflects the selection you can make on the Keyboard via E+1,2,3 and/or 4. So if 0888 = 15, all engines, if 0888=10 (binary 1010), engines 2 and 4, and so on. You could use Lua plugins, or, easier, simply use Offset Byte Setbits and Offset Byte ClearBits to manipulate the selection.

The more usual way of using a restricted number of axes is of course to use the mapping options, one control onto several is better. FSUIPC can handle engines 1->234, and so on, automatically according to the aircraft loaded, and you can deal with engine failure needs be having buttons or Lua plug-ins to set the "disconnect axis" flags for the engines you want to relinquish control of.





Thanks much! I used the Offset Byte Setbits as you suggested and it works great. I may try this through a lua script as well to see what other twin engine controls I can consolidate using that same switch.

I'm doing more sim flying now with twins, both piston and turbine and on top of being very space constrained my desktop sim pit was never setup for that. This makes it a more workable solution. For my fuselage conversion won't need this as I plan to build some modular components to emulate either single or twin configurations, but until that's done this will hold me over.

Again, Thanks!

Tom G.

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