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Hello all,

I quite confused over what program I will need. Some places say FSUICP while others say WideFS, and some both. My setup is as follows:

1. I have two (and if needed 3) PCs . I want to use a client - server setup

2. I have lots of USB gadgets I want to use with FSX, mostly from Saitek

Problem: When connecting all these gadgets up FSX lags as hell and are in short unplayable. So I startet searching the net and found suggestions that Widefs and FSUICP could help me out.

I want to set up the following:

All instrument panels, BIP, Nav aids etc. connected to the "server"

Yoke, throttle and pedals connected to the "client" where FSX is installed

I am quite happy with my current yoke, throttle and pedals configuration, so I see no need in changeing these.

Is it widefs, fsuicp or both I will need to make this work?

Thanks for any help!

Best regards

Teh Pastor


I quite confused over what program I will need. Some places say FSUICP while others say WideFS, and some both.

Why not simply download them and read the user guides?

WideFS uses FSUIPC in any case. WideFS merely extends the FSUIPC interface to other PCs on a network.

1. I have two (and if needed 3) PCs . I want to use a client - server setup

With what applications running on the client PC (the one witthout FS running)?

2. I have lots of USB gadgets I want to use with FSX, mostly from Saitek

Most if not all of those will have to be connected to FS directly -- i.e. of the PC running FS.

Problem: When connecting all these gadgets up FSX lags as hell and are in short unplayable. So I startet searching the net and found suggestions that Widefs and FSUICP could help me out.

I have no idea why connecting "gadgets" causes any lag in FSX. It sounds as if something else is wrong. Maybe Saitek's software is bad or buggy? Have you checked with their support? Neither FSUIPC nor WideFS will halp with bad gadgets.

I want to set up the following:

All instrument panels, BIP, Nav aids etc. connected to the "server"

Yoke, throttle and pedals connected to the "client" where FSX is installed

Your idea of Client and Server is actually the opposite of the WideFs system. But if you are putting display hardware on a Client, not running FS, you'll need drivers which can drive them. Are you going to write those, or have you found some?


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