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Sorry about the ironic title ...

But it happened to me quite a few times that by inadvertently touching the brake pedal, the parking brake goes off.

I was told this is closer to the real thing, where the B737 parking brake is nothing but a locked down brake pedal ...

The problem is that the lightest touch of a foot can cause this kind of damage.

How do I operate with FSUIPC to avoid such unwanted behavior ?

Thanks and best regards,


p.s. I have analog brake pedals.


But it happened to me quite a few times that by inadvertently touching the brake pedal, the parking brake goes off.

I was told this is closer to the real thing, where the B737 parking brake is nothing but a locked down brake pedal ...

The problem is that the lightest touch of a foot can cause this kind of damage.

You haven't calibrated them properly then, or you have set the BrakeReleaseThreshold parameter too low in the FSUIPC INI file! By default it is set to 75, and this means BOTH toe brakes have to be pressed to 75% of aximum braking in order to knock off the parking brake. Or you can set it to 0 to turn this action off.

p.s. I have analog brake pedals.

You mean toe brakes. And also check that they aren't operating in reverse - i.e. 100% braking at the foot off postion and only fully off when fully depressed. Most toe brakes need reversing. That's what the REV checkbox option in the Calibration tab is for.


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