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Hi Peter,

Is there some way to separate the action of steering tiller from Ruder ? I mean, moving only the steering tiller the ruder maintains fix ? I'm using Rudder Pedals assigned as Rudder and another joystick assigned as steering tiller.

By the way the solution adopted betwen Rudder and Steering Tiller works very wee during take-offsl. Congratulations !

My question above is only a visual matter, during taxi and docking, not during take off..

Thanks once more.

Marco Aurelio.


Is there some way to separate the action of steering tiller from Ruder ? I mean, moving only the steering tiller the ruder maintains fix ?

Not with FSUIPC. FSX does have a steering control. I don't know whether it works well or not, having never tried it. the FSUIPC tiller uses the FS rudder control as that was always the only way to steer.



Thanks once more.

Using your information, I've just assigned The command " steering set " instead " steering tiller " using the drop down list of commands in Axis Assigment/Send to FS as a Normal Axis, and Steering tiller became independent visually and functionally from Rudder. During take-off, by the way using PMDG MD 11, the Steering lost sensibility and rudder augmented sensibility as airliner speed up.

Using the rudder during taxi I've noticed too that nose whell (without using steering tiller) has moved around 10 degreeds along the rudder moviments, like as in real airplane.

Best Regards,

Marco Aurelio.

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