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I have been trying for a while to figure a way to read the "A" (and other) variables using a LUA script. I can read and write L variables just fine but I can't find a way to read an "A" variable. (A:PROP SYNC ACTIVE, bool) for example. Is there some reason this can't be done?

The point of the excercise is to take toggle only functions and add on/off assignability to them that can be easily included in the LINDA librairies. I have managed to kluge something together but only by adding an xml gauge to the plane for the reading of the "A" variables involved. Since the point is to make this something easy for pilots who are not computer savvy... adding a guage is not a great option.

What I have so far is this:


function Prop_Sync_On ()

ipc.writeLvar("L:JMH_Prop_Sync", 1)


function Prop_Sync_Off ()

ipc.writeLvar("L:JMH_Prop_Sync", 0)


Corresponding XML

(L:JMH_Prop_Sync, bool)



Any Help?

Cheers, Bao


I have been trying for a while to figure a way to read the "A" (and other) variables using a LUA script. I can read and write L variables just fine but I can't find a way to read an "A" variable. (A:PROP SYNC ACTIVE, bool) for example. Is there some reason this can't be done?

Checking the Gauge SDK it says for one of these A: variables:

"The A:GENERAL ENG FUEL PRESSURE, is a simulation variable (there are many hundreds of these, listed in the Simulation Variables document)."

Now these are SimConnect values which are almost all mapped to FSUIPC offsets, so they should be accessible using the various ipc.read and ipc.write functions. Choose the one which suits the variable type.

All of the FSUIPC offsets are listed in a document called FSUIPC4 Offsets Status, which is in the FSUIPC SDK. If you search that for "prop sync" you'll find is as a 32-bit Boolean value (i.e. 0 for false, 1 for active) at offset 2EC8. So you read it with ipc.readUD and write it with ipc.writeUD.




Thanks Pete It works like a charm. I wasn't sure weather or not it could be written to (SDK says untested and the corresponding "A" variable in fsx can not be written to) so I tried it both ways.

funhction Prop_Sync_On ()

if ipc.readUD(0x2EC8) == 0 then

ipc.control(66287, 1)




function Prop_Sync_On ()

ipc.writeUD(0x2EC8, 1)


Both work great

Now as for the UD on the ipc.write

Which in the plethera of pdf files will I find the explinations if UD, WD, etc.?


Now as for the UD on the ipc.write

Which in the plethera of pdf files will I find the explinations if UD, WD, etc.?

There's no "WD". Plethora? Where else but the Lua library documentation?

All the functions supported by the FSUIPC Lua libraries are documented with explanations in the Lua Library document, in the Lua Plugins package in your FSUIPC Documents subfolder. Or download the latest package from the Download Links subfolder.



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