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Create a Report Table

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Paul or anybody. Can you put an example table in VB .NET with the report of parking brakes? For any time that I put the parking brakes creates a line in the table with a colum: Like Name: Parking Brakes SET.

If you can´t don´t worry. I know How can I creat a table but I don´t know how can I insert the action of FSUIPC and put a correct while. Because I don´t know the times it need to run.

PD: I´m thinking do it with a rich textbox. I think is easier. How Can I put the dates here? With a while?

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Can you put an example table in VB .NET with the report of parking brakes? For any time that I put the parking brakes creates a line in the table with a colum: Like Name: Parking Brakes SET.


I'm away at the moment so I can't give you complete code but this might point you in the right direction...

I think what you want is to detect when the parking brake changes and write a log entry.

To do this, you need to keep a note of what the last value was, so set up a variable to hold this in addition to the offset:

Dim parkBrakes as Offset(Of UShort) As New Offset(Of UShort)(&HBC8)
Dim lastParkBrakes as Boolean[/CODE]

In your main timer you need to check this last state with the current one. If it's different then add your log entry. (I've just put a dummy method here for the log entry).

In the Timer_Tick()

Dim currentParkBrakes as Boolean
currentParkBrakes = (parkBrakes.Value > 0)
If currentParkBrakes <> lastParkBrakes Then
lastParkBrakes = currentParkBrakes
Dim Message as String = IIF(currentParkBrakes, "Parking brake ON", "Parking Brake OFF")
End If[/CODE]

This will run every tick waiting for the value to change. When it does, it write the log and waits for the next change.

PD: I´m thinking do it with a rich textbox. I think is easier. How Can I put the dates here? With a while?

To handle the date, it depends how you record the log:

1. For a text box (or rich text box) just get the string value of the current date and time using one of the built-in formats (I suggest using "G"):


and add this into the message text.

2. For a memory Table just create a column with type DateTime and put the current date and time in:

[CODE]Dim newRow as DataRow = MyLogTable.NewRow()
newRow("EntryDateTime") = DateTime.Now[/CODE]

Hope that helps. If you need any more help just ask...


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Thanks Paul, You´re a crack!! I only change one thing:

Dim Message as String = IIF(currentParkBrakes, "Parking brake ON", "Parking Brake OFF")

Dim Message as String += IIF(currentParkBrakes, "Parking brake ON", "Parking Brake OFF")

I want a blackbox!! Thanks!!

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