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Sorry my english is translate whith Google :

I use the following box:


VRInsight my win7 is recognized as a joystick pad, buttons work well in FSX.

But in the FSUIPC ini file shows the correct name 'pad joys' in FSUIPC interface menu buttons, I program a button on his window he recognizes a sample letter: A10, A11 etc ...

but when I open the ini file, I see no line corresponding to the buttons mentioned and no function.

I am very annoyed because I bought 2 modules VR insight to make a generic overhead in my cockpit and I plan to tear hair .... :razz: to learn to program directly in the fsuipc.ini various buttons.

Merci pour votre aide.


But in the FSUIPC ini file shows the correct name 'pad joys' in FSUIPC interface menu buttons, I program a button on his window he recognizes a sample letter: A10, A11 etc ...

but when I open the ini file, I see no line corresponding to the buttons mentioned and no function.

Did you close the Options menu with OK before looking at the INI file? Assignments are not saved until confirmed in this way. Why were you looking in the INI file in any case?

What do you mean by "A10, A11 etc"? Do you mean joystick A, button 10, 11, and so on? You are using Joystick Letters?

Please always state the Version of FS (it is quite important) and the Version number of FSUIPC. If you are not using a supported version (at least 3.999w or 4.953, at present), please update first.



Posted (edited)

Thancks your réponse.

My version FSUIPC is :4.858

Attached image:

Left side of the image, this is my ini file with all joysticks,the 1-LINE buttons: repeat and matches my VRinsight 'pad' and here we see no button set, but in fact the lines are inserted in lines 155-159 between the lines of another joystick. and of course I could not guess!

so I deleted all rows (makes a copy before ...) then I restarted Fsx and I set FSUIPC 4 buttons. if you look at the picture on the right is the new ini file and there we can see the lines, which begin with PA. this is the new pad.

It would be really easy to find the button settings if a title with the name of each joystick was shown before the codes.


Edited by Choco

It would be really easy to find the button settings if a title with the name of each joystick was shown before the codes.

You misunderstand the purpose of the INI file. It is the place where you are settings are stored, not a text file for casual perusing. Please use the options dialogues, as intended. If you want to mess in more detail, then you need to do the cross referencing yourself. The INI file is a standard configuration profile maintained by standard Windows APIs. Its format is not mine to decide.



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