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Hello, I have a problem with MakeRunways on RAAS. I purchased RAAS yesterday and downloaded MakeRwys module as stated. I placed into my main FSX directory, but, when I launch it I receive this message:


Can you help me? Thank you very much!



Hello, I have a problem with MakeRunways on RAAS. I purchased RAAS yesterday and downloaded MakeRwys module as stated. I placed into my main FSX directory, but, when I launch it I receive this message:

Probably can't find your SCENERY CFG. See what files it produced. There should be one called Runways.txt, which is a log of everything it tried to do.



Solved! I did put the whole folder into FSX and run the exe from it. I cheched the instructions and found out the exe must be placed in FSX folder alone. Then it works. Thank you and sorry for my misunderstanding.. :mrgreen: Great job!

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