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Hi, I was wondering how to set up the axis for the spoilers. Right now I have the axis assignment set for "axis spoilers set", and the calibration with the filter and Rev checked. But when I try to use therm if flight hen ever I move the Physical lever down the lever in the game move down like its is Supposed to but then it move right back up to the normal position without me moving thePhysical lever. If I uncheck the rev box it dose the Exact Opposite.


Hi, I was wondering how to set up the axis for the spoilers. Right now I have the axis assignment set for "axis spoilers set", and the calibration with the filter and Rev checked.

Don't use "Filter" unless you have a really poor power supply. It's only there to cope with really bad controls.

But when I try to use therm if flight hen ever I move the Physical lever down the lever in the game move down like its is Supposed to but then it move right back up to the normal position without me moving thePhysical lever.

You have a conflicting assignment then -- some other axis (even one no longer connected) assigned to spoiler. Check FS as well as FSUIPC.



Don't use "Filter" unless you have a really poor power supply. It's only there to cope with really bad controls.

You have a conflicting assignment then -- some other axis (even one no longer connected) assigned to spoiler. Check FS as well as FSUIPC.


Sorry when I first posted this I Accidentally posted it twice, if you won't to way in you can go here, or if you don't mind it you can help me on this one. It Doesn't matter to me.

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