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FSUIPCCleint.dll and Windows 8 issue

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Hi Paul,

I have a small C# program referencing your .dll. It was working without any problem until yesterday I upgrade my OS to Win8 from Win7.

Now whenever I run the software I get an error if the sim is not running.

Message says:
FSUIPC Error #9: FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN. The connection to class instance 00 of WideClient.exe is not open.

error highlighs line of "FSUIPCConnection.Open() statement.

public void Connect()
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Connection Established!";
timer1.Enabled = true;
toolStripButton1.Enabled = false;
toolStripButton2.Enabled = true;
pictureBox1.Image = global::Radio.Properties.Resources.bullet_green_icon__1_;

catch (Exception)




My program checks the availability of the FSUIPC connection before starting in a try, catch statement and if there is no connection it simply closes the connection.

So... I am comfused about what is going wrong with the win8 environment.

Can you lead a hand here?

Best Regards,

Ahmet Mehmetbeyoglu

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So... I am comfused about what is going wrong with the win8 environment.

Hi Ahmet,

I'm also very confused because looking at my current source code, that error doesn't make much sense.

Just to make sure you're running the same code as I have now, can you please update to the DLL I have attached and and rerun your application. Let me know if you still get the same error or a different one.




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