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I have suffered from quite unusual crash with Prepar3D for a while and haven't been able to find a solution. The thing is, that sim works without any problems (as does all the other programs in my computer) until I go to menu to select a new aircraft. I never get to the actual aircraft selection, but screen stays black in not responding state for a while and then crashes to desktop. It is always the same stackhash fault, provided here:











Sig[0].Name=Application Name


Sig[1].Name=Application Version


Sig[2].Name=Application Timestamp


Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name


Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version


Sig[5].Name=Fault Module Timestamp


Sig[6].Name=Exception Code


Sig[7].Name=Exception Offset


DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version


DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID


DynamicSig[22].Name=Additional Information 1


DynamicSig[23].Name=Additional Information 2


DynamicSig[24].Name=Additional Information 3


DynamicSig[25].Name=Additional Information 4



UI[3]=Lockheed Martin Prepar3D® has stopped working

UI[4]=Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.

UI[5]=Check online for a solution and close the program

UI[6]=Check online for a solution later and close the program

UI[7]=Close the program

Funniest thing is that if I remove MyTraffic Aircraft folder from simobjectpaths OR I remove FSUIPC from loading in dll.xml everything works just fine. I just cannot understand this, because I see no relation with these two programs at all or at least FSUIPC's relation to one folder containing just unflyable models. As I said, I've tried all the tricks in the book and even more to solve this. As far as I'm concerned, FSUIPC log doesn't provide any useful information too. It is very clear, that entering aircraft selection sim checks the simobjectpaths folders to locate flyable planes and for some reason it stucks with MTX model folder. I just don't get the FSUIPC part in this problem. I use the latest FSUIPC and have tried older ones too to see if there is something in later versions causing this. I have a rough clue when problems started and I didn't do anything special with the sim at that time, just installed some new aircraft I bought at that time. I can mostly go round with this using just SimLauncher, but this is still annoying as hell.

Thanks in advance for your help! It would be great if this thing gets finally sorted out without the need to reinstall P3D.


Funniest thing is that if I remove MyTraffic Aircraft folder from simobjectpaths OR I remove FSUIPC from loading in dll.xml everything works just fine. I just cannot understand this, because I see no relation with these two programs at all or at least FSUIPC's relation to one folder containing just unflyable models. As I said, I've tried all the tricks in the book and even more to solve this. As far as I'm concerned, FSUIPC log doesn't provide any useful information too. It is very clear, that entering aircraft selection sim checks the simobjectpaths folders to locate flyable planes and for some reason it stucks with MTX model folder. I just don't get the FSUIPC part in this problem. I use the latest FSUIPC and have tried older ones too to see if there is something in later versions causing this. I have a rough clue when problems started and I didn't do anything special with the sim at that time, just installed some new aircraft I bought at that time. I can mostly go round with this using just SimLauncher, but this is still annoying as hell.

It certainly sounds as if at least one of the aircraft intended to go into the selection menu is courrupted in some way. The fact that other things being present or not can make a difference is quite understandable when you consider that the problem may cause memory corruption anywhere. In that sese it is the same as scenery errors causing corruption and G3D crashes. Quite often those are NTDLL crashes instead.

All you can do is proceed to eliminate each of the aircraft in turn. Do it by halves -- move half the aircraft folders out, test, then do the same for the half which then contains the error, and so on. Even with 256 aircraft (say), that only takes 8 tests.



It certainly sounds as if at least one of the aircraft intended to go into the selection menu is courrupted in some way. The fact that other things being present or not can make a difference is quite understandable when you consider that the problem may cause memory corruption anywhere. In that sese it is the same as scenery errors causing corruption and G3D crashes. Quite often those are NTDLL crashes instead.

All you can do is proceed to eliminate each of the aircraft in turn. Do it by halves -- move half the aircraft folders out, test, then do the same for the half which then contains the error, and so on. Even with 256 aircraft (say), that only takes 8 tests.


Thanks for the quick reply, Pete.

I have actually tried the elimination and it seems that quite a lot of MTX planes cause problems, but not all of them. I've also eliminated actual flyable planes so that I've only kept one default plane in to eliminate effect of corrupted addon aircraft to no avail. I've also reinstalled MTX and it doesn't help either. Still, the strangest thing with this is that there are no problems if FSUIPC is disabled and MTX aircraft folder is defined in simobjectpaths, but it is those two that together cause a problem. Even with both of them on, MTX AI traffic works just fine. It is only the aircraft selection in menu bar that crashes the sim. I don't get it.


I have actually tried the elimination and it seems that quite a lot of MTX planes cause problems, but not all of them.

Hmm. I don't use P3D, but I do have MTX 5.4b running without any problems. Not that I ever select a different aircraft -- my cockpit is a 737-800 and fixed as one so I don't get into those menus.

Still, the strangest thing with this is that there are no problems if FSUIPC is disabled and MTX aircraft folder is defined in simobjectpaths, but it is those two that together cause a problem. Even with both of them on, MTX AI traffic works just fine. It is only the aircraft selection in menu bar that crashes the sim. I don't get it.

It all simply means that whatever is wrong is causing corruption in some place which is not the same place when FSUIPC isn't running. Memory configurations are going to vary according to what is loaded. It's unlikely to be anything actually in FSUIPC or related to FSUIPC which is corrupted (when you are in the menu, FSUIPC isn't running unless you have some Lua plug-in threads going or WideFS clients active), but more likely something the menu process needs which is in a different place simply because the memory arrangement is a little different.



Hmm. I don't use P3D, but I do have MTX 5.4b running without any problems. Not that I ever select a different aircraft -- my cockpit is a 737-800 and fixed as one so I don't get into those menus.

It all simply means that whatever is wrong is causing corruption in some place which is not the same place when FSUIPC isn't running. Memory configurations are going to vary according to what is loaded. It's unlikely to be anything actually in FSUIPC or related to FSUIPC which is corrupted (when you are in the menu, FSUIPC isn't running unless you have some Lua plug-in threads going or WideFS clients active), but more likely something the menu process needs which is in a different place simply because the memory arrangement is a little different.


Yes. Only lua I had in use is the dynamicfriction and I just tried to run without it using clean fsuipc.ini and still the same. It starts to look like that full reinstall is on the horizon if I want to solve this. It can be so many things affecting on this that it seems to be impossible to trace the actual cause. And I'm running out of ideas.

Thanks you still for your support!

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