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I have multiple installs of FSX on my computer one on my C drive and two on my external harddisk.

I have copied my MODULES folder from C to the other ones.

If I want to make an adjustment on the harddisk FSUIPC, and change plane or reboot the adjustments are gone. Only the changes made on the C FSUIPC are remembered.

Any sugestions?

  On 5/29/2013 at 10:52 AM, Zipper010 said:

If I want to make an adjustment on the harddisk FSUIPC, and change plane or reboot the adjustments are gone. Only the changes made on the C FSUIPC are remembered.

FSUIPC saves its settings into the folder which it runs from, which will be the Modules folder in the installation of FSX you are running at that time. The only thing which might stop it is if the Permissions on that folder don't allow it to write there. The FSUIPC4 Installer sets permissions correctly, but if you've not used the installer they could be wrong. See if the relevant modules folder contains updated Log files, specifically FSUIPC4.LOG. If so it is writeable.



Hello Pete,

I did not use the installer but simpley copied the Modules folder to the other two installations. How can I check if the LOG file allows me to write? And if not how to adjust.

Thanks in advance

  On 5/29/2013 at 2:11 PM, Zipper010 said:

How can I check if the LOG file allows me to write?

The LOG file doesn't do that. I asked you to look to see if there IS a log file produced in the correct Modules folder when you run FS. FSUIPC creates a new Log file every time it runs!


  On 5/30/2013 at 8:42 AM, Zipper010 said:

I have a logging tab in the copy FSUIPC on my harddrive is that correct? It has a nummer of checkboxes but none are checked

I'm not after the options you have set, logging or otherwise. I need you to look in the Modules folder to see if there is an FSUIPC4.LOG file there! FSUIPC4 stores your SETTINGS in an INI file in the MODULES folder, and it also reates a LOG file EVERY TIME IT RUNS. So both your settings and the Log should be in the folder.

This is nothing to do with RUNNUNG FSX at present. We are simply trying to establish whether your Modules folder is being written to by FSUIPC!!!


  On 5/30/2013 at 10:36 AM, Zipper010 said:

No Log file found.

Right. That's why the settings aren't there either. FSUIPC always creates a log file.

Can you list what IS there, in the Modules folder, please? You say NO log file, but you also said you copied the whole Modules folder from the C: installation, so, unless you'd NEVER run FSUIPC there there must have been a log file copied too!

Also, can you please explain why you are running FSX from different places? They'll all use the same settings and so on because they are stored in Windows folders in any case. I just can't see any reason to do what you are doing.



Why I run multible FSX installation is that we have a cockpit (facebook:Starfighter demoteam) and the plane we use won't install at c: programma files, Microsoft games ect.. So I made a backup file on my harddrive to install it there.

When we give demonstrations I use a dedicated FSX installation only with the minimum addon's to boost the performance.

I Will get back to you to let you know whats in the Modules file, but I did also not find a log file on the C installation, and changes made there are saved...


  On 5/30/2013 at 1:15 PM, Zipper010 said:

Why I run multible FSX installation is that we have a cockpit (facebook:Starfighter demoteam) and the plane we use won't install at c: programma files, Microsoft games ect.

You simply need to use elevated administrator privileges to install --the "run as" right-click option, selecting "administator". Otherwise the default FSX install folders, like all folders in Program Files, are protected.

I Will get back to you to let you know whats in the Modules file, but I did also not find a log file on the C installation, and changes made there are saved...

The log file MUST be there in that case!

I am suspecting now that you are running Windows Explorer with it set to hide flie extensions from you and you are simply not recognising the files you are looking at. Please change that Explorer option and check again. The FSUIPC installation guide tells you how to do this if you don't know.


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