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2nd view panning

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I´ve got a question. It seems nobody has thought about this or is interested as I can´t find a single topic about this anywhere ... so here goes ...


I want to make a dual pilot home cockpit..so to say. Not a complicated one, just basic/inexpensive setup for two pilots as I want to be able to practice MCC with a friend.

I can setup two yokes/pedals etc ...two monitors (captain and first officers panels) ...even two mice pointers working on same computer (I found a program to do that). My only problem is that I can only pan one VC (Virtual cockpit) view within FSX at a time !. Only one window can be active at a time it seems. Do you have any solution to make it possible to move/pan within two VC views individually at the same time in FSX ? I want to avoid using many monitors to do this if possible (only keep 2 monitors, captains and first officers monitors to begin with).


I hope I made myself clear enough :-)


If you have any idea how to make a 2 pilot setup work. Let me know. Any suggestion appreciated.




P.s I´m not interested in FS2CREW, I want to have a real person flying with me (To simulate PF/PM interactions). I´ve also tried Leonardo MD80/82 but I´m not too happy with it (it doesn´t sync correctly and lots of problems come up when trying to make a full flight in it)

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... two mice pointers working on same computer (I found a program to do that).


Amazing! And do the buttons work on their respective positions properly? On the same, or separate windows?


My only problem is that I can only pan one VC (Virtual cockpit) view within FSX at a time !. Only one window can be active at a time it seems. Do you have any solution to make it possible to move/pan within two VC views individually at the same time in FSX ? I want to avoid using many monitors to do this if possible (only keep 2 monitors, captains and first officers monitors to begin with).



It's probably down to what Windows knows as "focus". The one window with focus gets keyboard and mouse actions. That's why I said 2amazing2 for your two mouse pointers -- if they operate simultaneouisly on separate windows, then surely you can get another program which will do the same for keyboards? Both really surprise me.


P.s I´m not interested in FS2CREW, I want to have a real person flying with me (To simulate PF/PM interactions).


I have a 737NG cockpit with two complete sets of controls, but we don't use mice or keyboards, only 737-type switches and so on. For views I do have switches programmed for that on both yokes, but both pilots look at the same (projected) screen. I would never consider having more than one view open at a time in FSX because the frame rate would plummet. There's no panels on scren of course, only the outside scenery.




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There is a control in fsx which will link the 2 views together. I use it myself as I regularly use multiple views on one pc.

Try "VIEW_LINKING_TOGGLE" IIRC- (I'm nowhere near my simpit at the moment to check it). If not, then look through the list of fsx controls since it is there- somewhere- honest!

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Sorry I posted the same message twice as I thought it didn´t go through the first time. It didn´t show up for at least 10 mins even though I had refreshed many times. If its possible to delete it, you may do that.


There are some programs that can make two mouse pointers appear. I forgot the name of the first program I saw that could do that. But I just found another one pretty easily just now. It supports multiple keyboards too. Its called Pluarinput ...www.pluralinput.com

I remember in the past, I tried using program like this with FS and it worked just fine. One pilot could be setting the MCP while the other pilot was working on configuring the overhead panel etc. I don´t know if the focus is switched fast between the two mice pointers, but I can tell you it works just fine with FS at least.


I´ve tried using two cockpit views in FS at the same time. It works without significant framerate drop (if you have a "good" computer). The only problem is getting two "screens" to move/pan at the same time.


For now I only want a basic setup like this

- 2 Monitors with captains and copilots side views that can be panned/moved with mice, hat switches or TrackIR etc.
- 2 Yokes
- 2 Rudder pedals
- 1 Throttle and maybe other small items on pedestal (basic radios etc or even hardware FMC/CDU)


I´m not sure if this is possible. But if you can think of any solution then by all means, let me know :-)



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There is a control in fsx which will link the 2 views together. I use it myself as I regularly use multiple views on one pc.

Try "VIEW_LINKING_TOGGLE" IIRC- (I'm nowhere near my simpit at the moment to check it). If not, then look through the list of fsx controls since it is there- somewhere- honest!



I don´t want to link 2 views together as 1 big view. I want to have 2 separate views that can be moved independantly (with 2 different hat switches, 2 TrackIRs or 2 mice etc)

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Sorry I posted the same message twice as I thought it didn´t go through the first time. It didn´t show up for at least 10 mins even though I had refreshed many times. If its possible to delete it, you may do that.


For new posters messages have to be "approved" before they appear. I do that when I see them, but I'm not looking 24/7. ;-)


There are some programs that can make two mouse pointers appear. I forgot the name of the first program I saw that could do that. But I just found another one pretty easily just now. It supports multiple keyboards too. Its called Pluarinput ...www.pluralinput.com

I remember in the past, I tried using program like this with FS and it worked just fine. One pilot could be setting the MCP while the other pilot was working on configuring the overhead panel etc. I don´t know if the focus is switched fast between the two mice pointers, but I can tell you it works just fine with FS at least.



Hmm. Interesting. It could be capturing the mice and sending the messages to the relevant Windows, I suppose, but dealing with the automatic focus change that induced would be problematic. Thanks for the link, though. I don't have a use, but I might look at it to see what it is actually doing.


I´ve tried using two cockpit views in FS at the same time. It works without significant framerate drop (if you have a "good" computer).


I was using an i5-2500K overclocked to 4.8GHz with a 3Gb GTX 580 card. With UK2000 EGLL and realistic amounts of AI and English weather the frame rates were just between 12 and 25.  Adding a second window makes it unfyable I assure you. My new PC is a 4770K currently clocked at 4.3GHz with a 3Gb GTX 780, and whilst that does raise my "test" framerates to the 18-30 range, I would still not dream of opening another window.


Of course, although I'm projecting ontp a 10 foot wide screen, I wouldn't really want two different views on it -- it would spoil the illusion through the cockpit glareshield! ;-)


The only problem is getting two "screens" to move/pan at the same time.


Unless there's a program which will do the specific rapid focus switching, or direction of control (if that can be done -- not sure the separate Window views actually process the messages themselves), like your "Pluarinput" program, or you write one, I really don't think that's going to be possible. You'd think that if they can do it with the mouse they could do it equally well with the keyboard -- both are focus related, though of course with the mouse it is the click whch changes the focus, whereas with keypresses the focus needs changing first. Just a different order of events.




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