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- Because my English is not so special .... this text was translated by a translation program! -


Hi, since yesterday afternoon, I am in possession of the payware FSUIPC4 - program for my FSX, which I bought at simmarket. Honestly, I do not know exactly what I should adjust exactly where now there, as there are unfortunately no German instructions. But in the FS MAGAZINE - Issue 05/2013 I found on page 6 of a report on a LUA packet with two files, which are intended to improve the roll characteristics in FSX:


1 = DynamicFriction


2 = Frictions


But where exactly I can now download these files ? On the homepage of schiratti.com I could not find anything :-(



Can someone help me out here maybe with a link?



Thank you for your help and regards, Thomas :-)

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Thank you for the quick reply. You were too fast :-) Just wanted to write that I've found the files on the home page of the FS magazine. Now I need to find only one program, with which I can open the LUA files. Found one at chip.de. This is but my virus program as a virus detected and placed in the quarantine folder. But you have helped me in any case.


Thank you and regards,


Thomas :-)

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No just copy the DynamicFriction.lua to the modules folder. You do not need the other frictions.lua file or any of the other files.


To enable the lua every time you load the simulator you need to add the section below to the fsuip4.ini


1=Lua DynamicFriction


If you already have an [Auto] section in your fsuipc4.ini just add the numbered line only and choose the next free number, so it would look something like this.



1=Lua Some Other File

2=Lua DynamicFriction

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