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Change sensing on stick HAT

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I'd like to change the stick top 'HAT' button sensing for panning up and down.


Currently, the sensing is 'reversed' -- to pan up I have to move the HAT button forward (away from me). To pan vertically down in the cockpit, I have to move the HAT backwards (towards me). It needs to work like pitch trim on the control wheel. To trim nose up you push down on the trim switch. To trim nose down, you push the trim switch up (forward).


The HAT button needs to work with the same sensing. So my question is how do I reverse the default sensing in that axis?


(To pan down I want to push forward on the HAT button. To pan up I want to pull back on the HAT button).


Thanks for any help...


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I'd like to change the stick top 'HAT' button sensing for panning up and down.


Currently, the sensing is 'reversed' -- to pan up I have to move the HAT button forward (away from me). To pan vertically down in the cockpit, I have to move the HAT backwards (towards me). It needs to work like pitch trim on the control wheel. To trim nose up you push down on the trim switch. To trim nose down, you push the trim switch up (forward).


The HAT button needs to work with the same sensing. So my question is how do I reverse the default sensing in that axis?


How is it assigned? In FS9, FSX or what? Or in FSUIPC3, FSUIPC4? A bit more information might help.


Note that hats are not axes, but what MS calls "POVs" ("Points Of View"), and are fixed to sending a directional value, either 0-360 degrees or 0-3600 1/10th of degrees. Most hats actually only have 4 button-type sensors and encode for 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees, with the intermediate points 45, 135, 225 and 315 being sent when two out of 4 of those sensors are pressed. If you are assigning to "PAN VIEW" then that number is sent, as is, and is interpreted by FS in whatever way MS thought appropriate.  Whether there's a way to change the numbers before they get to FS I don't know at present.


BTW, I assume left-right panning is okay? If that was reversed too I'd suggest taking the thing apart and turning it around.



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Assigned in FSX.


Assigned in FSX to what, exactly?


Can your product re-assign the up-down?


It can if you assign it as a set of switches, because you then assign it to the individual panning controls. If you assign it as an axis, then probably, but not easily. I think you'd need to use aa Lua plug-in, which would receive the angle (the 0-360 value) and transform it appropriately.  So 0 to 180 needs to be 180 to 0, and 180 to 359 needs to be 359 to 180. So


if X <= 180 then X = 180 - X

else X = 540 - X




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