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Third party registration key

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Hello Pete (or someone else who might have an idea),


I am currently developing a flight recording program for our virtual airline to replace an older flight recording program. According to my information I got from the former developer it is necessary for third party programs to register into FSUIPC in order to read values from non-registered FSUIPC versions. The "UIPCHello" example in the C sdk has such a note as well.


However, according tests with users using a non-registered FSUIPC version reading values works just fine. I would like to make sure I am going the correct way here and would like to know what do here?


Greetings and thanks,


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Hi Jens,


The requirement for third-party keys was removed from FSUIPC a long long time ago. As your tests have shown your software will work on unregistered FSUIPC without any problem.


However, if your software is commercial then you should speak to Pete about using FSUIPC.



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