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Running Squarkbox on another pc

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Hi there guys,


Im really hopng someone can help me?


I am running FSX and Squarkbox on the same pc but there is a known error with running them both together, so i am going to go down the road of running my FSX on my pc and my Squarkbox through my laptop, but i have no idea how i do this. i was wondering if someone has a step by step simple guid on how i can do this?

also do i need registered versions of FSUIPC and WIDEFS or can i use the unregistered ones that i have?


if some kind soul would able to give me a step by setp , idiots guid on how i can do this i would be most grateful.


Thanks again


Robert Norvill

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This is exactly what my setup is like.  I have Squawkbox and FSCommander on my laptop and FS9 on my PC, communicating seamlessly via WideFS.  I get ATC on my headset through the laptop and FS sound from the PC speakers.  The PTT switch is connected to the PC but "read" by SB on the laptop (via FSUIPC).  FSCommander displays the online traffic on the moving map.

Installation was straightforward, just following the WideFS guide.

I do have the registered version.  I am not sure about the unregistered one.


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