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Hi, I just purchased this software and look forward to tinkering :-)

However Im sure I have missed a basic step when configuring my joystick.


My problem is when launching a flight the controls are inactive. I need to go into the calibration section and re tick profile specific ( tick isnt saving) and the controls come back to life


what am I missing? so far I have only set up the PMDG 737

My problem is when launching a flight the controls are inactive. I need to go into the calibration section and re tick profile specific ( tick isnt saving) and the controls come back to life


Version of FS? Version number of FSUIPC? You've not provided enough information I'm afraid.


In the currently supported versions there are no known problems with FSUIPC retaining profile details, so I don't really know what you are seeing. The usual reason folks think they need to enter settings and do things is that their devices have gone to sleep -- this is caused by Windows power management being enabled on the USB channels in the PC. You need to go to Device manager and turn that off. What happens when you visit FSUIPC options is that the devices are rescanned and this wakes them up.


In the Buttons & Switches and Keys tabs the "specific" tick can be off or on -- when off it shows the generic settings applicable to this Profile, when on it shows the Profile Specific settings. Both can be active at the same time. That isn't true for Axes, for obvious reasons (axes are active al the time, whilst buttons and keys are only active when you use them).




4.928 and FSX


Thanks for the prompt reply, it appears to have been a USB thingy like you said, so its unchecked and all appears fine after a reload


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