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WideFS issue

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I am having a strange issue on WideFS and Teamspeak. I use a networked configuration when I fly online, with Ivap and Teamspeak installed on the client, and use WideFs to activate PTT on Teamspeak from a yoke button. Everything has been running quite flawlessly for more than two years, but yesterday I had a WideFs crash (first time ever since I use WideFS), and after that event what happens is that in order to have PTT working I need to have WideFs as the active window on the client PC. In the client I have other programs running, that are Ivap and ASN, and if one of them is the active window, PTT simply doesn't work....as soon as I click on the WideFs window then PTT comes back to life. I have been using WideFs as a "launch and forget" software for years and everything has alwasy been fine quite fine.

I have tried to remove the entire WideFs folder and replace with the most updated version but nothing changed.

Any idea what might have happened ?

Thanks and have a good day...



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I am having a strange issue on WideFS and Teamspeak. I use a networked configuration when I fly online, with Ivap and Teamspeak installed on the client, and use WideFs to activate PTT on Teamspeak from a yoke button. Everything has been running quite flawlessly for more than two years, but yesterday I had a WideFs crash (first time ever since I use WideFS), and after that event what happens is that in order to have PTT working I need to have WideFs as the active window on the client PC. In the client I have other programs running, that are Ivap and ASN, and if one of them is the active window, PTT simply doesn't work....as soon as I click on the WideFs window then PTT comes back to life. I have been using WideFs as a "launch and forget" software for years and everything has alwasy been fine quite fine.

I have tried to remove the entire WideFs folder and replace with the most updated version but nothing changed.

Any idea what might have happened ?


No. That is very strange. Obviously WideClient didn't suddenly change, so that's pretty weird.


Having WideClient as the active window is never necessary for any action it performs EXCEPT the option for it to send keystrokes from the client keyboard to FS -- for that it obviously needs keyboard focus. But I assume your yoke button is programmed to use a KeySend number ot WideClient and in turn it has that number assigned to the key you set in TeanSpeak, and have "UseSendInput=Yes" set? If you don't have the latter set then this might be the problem, though I don't understand then why it would work with keyboard focus on WideClient.


There is another way using "PostKeys=Yes" but you need stuff like the Class Name of the target program window, and only works if the target is processing Windows messages for key input, not relying on Hot Key settings or keyboard scanning. From the way that TeamSpeak PTT key assignment is described it sounds like it uses hot key or ascanning methods.


What was the WideFS crash? The only crashes I've ever seen have been due to Networking problems and tend to be in low level Windows modules. Did WideClient log the crash details -- it does have crash logging built in for ones occurring in its own code.



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But I assume your yoke button is programmed to use a KeySend number ot WideClient and in turn it has that number assigned to the key you set in TeanSpeak, and have "UseSendInput=Yes" set? 



Yes, this is what I have...


However, looking also at last paragraph of your reply it has just come to my mind that the day before the crash I had to reset the home network router for various reasons, so it might be worth having a look at the homegroup settings to see if they have been somehow affected by this reset.

I'll see and report back......

Thanks for your answer anyway.



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just to let you know....after several unsuccessful trials I finally managed to make it work well again just selecting "run as administrator" in the Wideclient.exe compatibility window. I honestly don't know what is the rationale behind it, but it is simple as that: now PTT works well even if WideFs is not the active window. 

Do you have an explanation for this ?




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just to let you know....after several unsuccessful trials I finally managed to make it work well again just selecting "run as administrator" in the Wideclient.exe compatibility window. I honestly don't know what is the rationale behind it, but it is simple as that: now PTT works well even if WideFs is not the active window. 

Do you have an explanation for this ?


It sounds like TeamSpeak is running "as administrator". When two programs are running at different privilege levels they can't talk to each other.


However, that doesn't explain why giving WideClient the focus made it work. That makes no sense -- unless it having focus temporarily "elevates" its privilege.



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