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Unable to reverse Saitek elevator trim wheel.

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I have started using FSUIPC to set the controls in Prepar3d v.2 and have most functions working fine but cannot seem to be able to reverse the elevator trim which is working in the wrong sense. I have found two options in the control panel to reverse this but neither seem to work. I have made sure the "joystick enabled" is unchecked so that should not be conflicting. Incidentally, this works normally when using the normal controller assignments. I am having problems using extra control devices however, which is why I am keen to use FSUIPC.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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I have started using FSUIPC to set the controls in Prepar3d v.2 and have most functions working fine but cannot seem to be able to reverse the elevator trim which is working in the wrong sense. I have found two options in the control panel to reverse this but neither seem to work


Which two options have you tried, exactly? And how are you assigning the axis (there are several ways to assign axes).



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Thanks for replying so quickly. I have found a "reverse elevator trim" option on the joystick calibration menu, and also the miscellaneous menu. I have tried ticking the box in both, only one box, or having neither ticked but nothing seems to make a difference so maybe there is another option I have not yet found.

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Thanks for replying so quickly. I have found a "reverse elevator trim" option on the joystick calibration menu, and also the miscellaneous menu. I have tried ticking the box in both, only one box, or having neither ticked but nothing seems to make a difference so maybe there is another option I have not yet found.


Well, don't do both. The favoured method is by the REV checkbox in calibration, but you MUST re-calibrate after changing that.


Either of these does actually invert the values sent to FS. i.e. -16386 to +16384 becomes +16384 to -16384. There's no way that cannot be inverting the trim, so I think there's something else going on. 


You failed to tell me how you are assigning the axis. It sounds very much to me as if whatever you are doing is simply bypassing these options.



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Hi, I am setting elevator trim in axis assignment, then reversing it in joystick calibration. As I say, I have also tried reversing it in the miscellaneous tab but still cannot get it to reverse.


Yes, I had assumed you were assigning in FSUIPC, but what method are you using to assign the axis? There are at least three ways -- FS controls Axis elevator trim set or Elev trim Set, and 'direct to FSUIPC' Elevator trim.


Tell you what, to cut this exchange a bit shorter, why not enable axis logging in FSUIPC, push the trim forward (nose down) then pull it back (nose up) -- make sure you get this order so I can interpret the log correctly, then show me the log. best also to show me your settings (FSUIPC4.INI file). Make sure you do it with a default aircraft, of course.



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Thanks for your time, I'll study the manual and try again and let you know how I get on.


You don't need to study any manual! What are you looking for? The axis logging is the checkbox labelled as such in the Logging tab in FSUIPC options! The assignment you made to the axis is shown in the Axes tab when you waggle the lever. What's to study?



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Hi, just letting you know I've sorted this problem by uninstalling the program and downloading it again then reinstalling it. Works fine now. Just one more question if you'd be so kind, is there a single command to assign the pan view to the 8-way Chinese hat switch or does each point have to be assigned individually? Thanks again.

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