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Thanks for your advice to my previous question.  I have a few more.  First off, I am not computer literate so I must take things very slow and pray nothing happens.  I appears that many of the members are computer programmers since they can do a lot of stuff to modify the software, etc.  Me, I am 67 and not too computer literate.  Attached is a file on my computer, software installed, software available, and Saitek components I have on hand.

I assume I install FSX Acc, FSUIPC and then SPAD?

Does it matter what sequence I hook up the Saitek components in?

Is there anything I should look out for?

Thanks, Nick




My Computer for Simulator12b.txt

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I assume I install FSX Acc, FSUIPC and then SPAD?

Does it matter what sequence I hook up the Saitek components in?


Obviously you install FSX before you install any add-ons for it. And make sure it all works first. Then add things one at a time and test each time, with a separate reload of FSX.


I'm afraid I don't know SPAD, but as I think it needs to use FSUIPC you want FSUIPC installed before actually running it. Though I'd expect it to tell you that it needs FSUIPC in any case.


I doubt whether Saitek stuff needs any specific order of installation -- at least I can't think of any reason why that should be so. But if you are worried it would be better to ask on Saitek forum. I can't support their devices.


BTW I am 71 years old this year. Age is really not relevant to computer literacy. And very very few visitors here are computer programmers.


Incidentally, whilst I am here most of the time to give help with FSUIPC, WideFs and related matters, I do go away quite often (eg from Saturday for 8 days), and in any case I am not so good at giving general advice. Your best bet for such is probably the FSX forum over on AVSIM.http://forums1.avsim.net/forum/121-ms-fsx-forum/



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