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P3d2.2+RC4.3 CTD on RC4 start button press

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Hi Peter,

Hope you had a nice break.

LM have updated P3D to v2.2 and it appears to be causing problems when used for RC.

most of FSUIPC is working fine but perhaps the text display is busted.

When you start P3D (windowed mode),load a flightplan,minimise the window,start RC and load the flightplan all is OK.

Then press start on RC and  P3d crashes to desktop.

I have included an FSUIPC log.


Thanks for your time




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LM have updated P3D to v2.2 and it appears to be causing problems when used for RC.

most of FSUIPC is working fine but perhaps the text display is busted.


FSUIPC has intricate links into the innards of FS and P3D which need adjusting and testing with each release. The Installer does tell you this, but of course if you simply copy it over from a previous installation you bypass this warning.


I had tested changes to FSUIPC for 2.2 with the Beta versions of it available before I left for holiday but was unable to test it with the final release of 2.2 until I returned from holiday. It will undoubtedly need more changes.


It is VERY precarious indeed just having FSUIPC installed for a version of FS or P3D for which it has not been designed. Version 4.93 will work with it but I won't be able to get it released until Tomorrow (Tuesday 15th) or more likely Wednesday, assuming it doesn't take me too long to download 2.2 and again there aren't too many changes from the Beta.



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