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FSX Freezes every 5 or 10 mins for 5 seconds

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Hello Guys,


I installed FSUIPC and PMDG 737 / 777 and I keep getting a problem where the program freezes (not crashes) for about 5 seconds every couple of minutes. It happens in every stage of flight. I know its not a processor or RAM problem because the computer is new, it has a i7 processor and 16 gigs of RAM. I have all the settings very low after looking at a tweak guide and get excellent frame rates.


This does not happen with default aircraft, only with the PMDG add ons. I do not have any antivirus software running. One person suggested I reinstall FSUIPC but I have all the controls mapped and would be a pain having to do that again.


Has anybody experienced something similar and if so can you help out?



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I installed FSUIPC and PMDG 737 / 777 and I keep getting a problem where the program freezes (not crashes) for about 5 seconds every couple of minutes. It happens in every stage of flight. I know its not a processor or RAM problem because the computer is new, it has a i7 processor and 16 gigs of RAM. I have all the settings very low after looking at a tweak guide and get excellent frame rates.


This does not happen with default aircraft, only with the PMDG add ons.


Judging by similar previous reports, it's probably due to PMDG's way of freezing the simulation each time it saves a flight. I think it may have to do this to make sure all the values it is saving are correct for one specific time so they can be reinstated if you reload the flight. I think you will have to disable the FSUIPC autosave option, if you've enabled it, or the same in whatever other program you have saving flights at intervals.



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