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Hello , I have upgraded the module 4.934 today and tried for the first time to accelerate the trim in the Beaver from Aeorosoft. When I click the field "profile specific?" then "select FS control" and then entered the offset sword increase in field"control sent when button pressed" , enter x0BC0 in the field "offset and set the parameter to 256/16383 and finally click the "control to repeat" then there is no function of the trim anymore. When I try to delete all entries, then the trim still is out of function. Can You help me? The Trim now doesn't function anymore!

(The same entries for the Chreokee from A2A works fine)

Thank You for Your help



I've moved your post from the FAQ subforum, which is the repository and reference for answers to frequently asked questions, to the Support Forum, where it can be answered. Please only ever post support questions to the Support Forum!


Hello , I have upgraded the module 4.934 today and tried for the first time to accelerate the trim in the Beaver from Aeorosoft. When I click the field "profile specific?" then "select FS control" and then entered the offset sword increase in field"control sent when button pressed" , enter x0BC0 in the field "offset and set the parameter to 256/16383 and finally click the "control to repeat" then there is no function of the trim anymore. When I try to delete all entries, then the trim still is out of function. Can You help me? The Trim now doesn't function anymore!

(The same entries for the Chreokee from A2A works fine)


You seem to misunderstand something quite fundamental. Programming a button to do something can never stop things happening, or even do anything at all, when the button isn't actually pressed, because whatever you set isn't even referred to until and unless you press the button! Isn't that reasonably obvious?


So it seems your Aerosoft Beaver trim doesn't work in any case. You'll need their support to sort that out.


Incidentally, FSUIPC only interfaces to built-in FS functions. if an add-on aircraft does its own thing you'll need to find out how to drive it in whatever way its designers provided.



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