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I Pete!

I have been using FSUIPC 3, and now 4, as an elementary user for now quite a long time, as it was a requirement to implement a various array of addons.

I am now concentrating on turbopropellers, both mono and biturboprops, and recently acquired a Saitek yoke and Saitek throttle quadrant. This is really a new simmer life!

I have been particularily interested by the "reverse" feature that I found when calibrating my new joysticks.

I also aknowledged that, for bi-engines aircraft, you can check or uncheck the box "No reverse zone".

But for monoturboprop, as you cannot be under "separate throttle per engine", I do not find the corresponding "no reverse zone" checkbox. The only solution that I found to supersede this lack, is to activate the button found at the low end of the throttle course to implement the F2 key of the keypad.

Did I miss something, or is this a feature that you could implement in some future FSUIPC 4 version ?

Thank you in advance for your kind answer.



I also aknowledged that, for bi-engines aircraft, you can check or uncheck the box "No reverse zone".

But for monoturboprop, as you cannot be under "separate throttle per engine", I do not find the corresponding "no reverse zone" checkbox. The only solution that I found to supersede this lack, is to activate the button found at the low end of the throttle course to implement the F2 key of the keypad.

Did I miss something, or is this a feature that you could implement in some future FSUIPC 4 version ?


Your question is rather confusing. You want to check "no reverse zone" to stop there being a reverse zone? If this is the case, for a single engined aircraft simply assign the throttle to the standard FS contorl "axis throttle set" (or the "direct" FS control "throttle"), and calibrate it in the first page, to the generic all-engine throttle. That has no reverse zone.


If, as I suspect, you have your question somehow backwards, and you actually do want a reverse zone, either assign the single throttle to the Axis throttle1 set control (or the "direct" throttle1 control) and calibrate on the 4-throttles page (the one which DOES have the (unwanted, really?) "no reverse zone" checkbox) OR simply assign as before the the generic throttle and check the "map to 4 throttles" checkbox in its calibration page.


There's quite a bit of explanation about using mapping in order to get a reverse zone in the user guide. Try the section on joystick calibration. It is worth following the numbered steps in that chapter in any case.



Posted (edited)

Thank you very much. This explanation is quite clear. Please excuse my english, which is not my native language...


Edited by Panxua

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