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If anyone could be so kind and help me on this problem.

I have the  FSUIPC  4.937d and widefs 6.999m, everything is working fine except I can't make a  Mouse Macro, I am familiar with the procedures  but no file are created in the modules folder furthermore I can't get to the green screen part where I would press  TAB to confirm and when I press the OK button on the GUI FSUIPC windows disappears.

Could be a bad installation or am I missing something on the process?


Thanks in advance.




Below is my guide.


 Creating Macro’s

  1.  Start FSX, with a craft, in Cockpit view (or  press shift+2)
  2. Open Add-ons and select FSUIPC
  3. Activate the tab Buttons + Switches and down below
  4. Press the button Create Mouse Macro
  5. You get a sub screen that asks you to fill a name: ------
  6. Close with OK and close FSUIPC Options and Settings with OK.
  7. Before you do, observe that the earlier named button Create Mouse Macro has changed into:….we get back later.
  8. You must be in  cockpit view and now do exactly what you should do to activate the (button).
  9. LINDA-08.pngPress with your mouse the button in the craft  panel. The very moment you press this button, in the left upper corner of your FSX a green bar appears with the following text –>
  10. Press the TAB on your keyboard to verify that the function is working correctly. (whatever button) light will swap.
  11. Then, if OK, enter the name that you previous choose for this macro:  and close with ENTER
  12. Next step: Get into FSUIPC Buttons + Switches and
  13. Press the button End Macro Making.

Thats all there is.



I have the  FSUIPC  4.937d and widefs 6.999m, everything is working fine except I can't make a  Mouse Macro, I am familiar with the procedures  but no file are created in the modules folder furthermore I can't get to the green screen part where I would press  TAB to confirm and when I press the OK button on the GUI FSUIPC windows disappears.

Could be a bad installation or am I missing something on the process?


These days there are fewer and fewer cockpit gauges which are compatible with the Mouse Macro facility.  Such gauges need to have been written strictly in accordance with Microsoft's C/C++ gauge SDK. Even the default FS gauges are hardly covered. And more and more cockpits now are written using XML for the gauges. These are usually more amenable to the Local panel variables method (L:Vars) instead, however.


If you refer to the Chapter on Mouse Macros in the FSUIPC4 User Guide, on page 36, the very second paragraph explains this restriction, in bold italics!




Thanks Pete for the reply, I do understand that now and I am studying the possibility of using LINDA   a I am not very familiar with coding. The reason I was asking is because none of my Addon crafts including the FSX default ones can't get macro to work.  I am only having issues with a particular craft the Carenado B1900d  none of the switches works either with my hardware  (Goglight) or my other addons e.g: Project Magenta, SimToutchPlu2.. I was hoping I could create a MACRO and using LINDA to have them work. Anyway thanks again.





I am only having issues with a particular craft the Carenado B1900d  none of the switches works either with my hardware  (Goglight) or my other addons e.g: Project Magenta, SimToutchPlu2.. I was hoping I could create a MACRO and using LINDA to have them work. 


Doesn't the B1900d use standard FS controls for most things? It is usually only the very complex add-ons like PMDG 737NGX which replace all of the FS sub-systems with their own and therefore need special attention.


Enable FSUIPC's event logging, in the Logging tab, and also the console log. Run FS (temporarily) in Windowed mode, so you can see entries into the log in real time. Then operate each of the switches you want to program, in turn. see what is logged. 


Otherwise, check to see if the B1900d accepts keystrokes to operate the switches. If so you can assign those.


Finally, many modern add-on aircraft do use local panel variables (L:Vars). There's an FSUIPC control you can assign which will list them and their current state, or you can log them as they change using a Lua plug-in provided in the Examples ZIP in your FSUIPC Documents folder.




Hi Pete,  what is happening is when I open FSUIPC the screen goes black preventing me to see or click on any switches, after I go through the procedures and click ok  FSUIPC closes, open FSUUIPC again  button/switches and I see "end macro" but never got the transparent green screen.  any ideas what could be causing that?

I have version 4.937d and widefs 6.999m.yRjH2.jpg


Hi Pete,  what is happening is when I open FSUIPC the screen goes black preventing me to see or click on any switches, after I go through the procedures and click ok  FSUIPC closes, open FSUUIPC again  button/switches and I see "end macro" but never got the transparent green screen.  any ideas what could be causing that?


Please don't post unnecessary screen captures! The screen goes black because that's the way SimConnect's menu selection works. it doesn't matter whilst you are in FSUIPC options because FS is not running then, everything has stopped. You can't press or click anything other than in FSUIPC options.


If, having started macro making, given a filename, and OK'd out of the FSUIPC options, you don't get the "transparent green screen" when clicking on switches etc, it simply means you can't make macros with those gauges.  I told you this 6 days ago, and you appeared to have accepted that. And I suggested other things to look at, so why suddenly post this waste-of-time and space picture?





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