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I have a problem with P3Dv2.4 crashes on taxi when i have my tiller connected. When i disconnect the wires from the input-card, everthing is ok.

Is this a problem in FSUIPC or the card(Leo-bodnarBU0836X)?


I have tried to calibrate the cards in both Windows(7/64) and in FSUIPC, but to no use, it keeps crashing, either in the takoff airport taxi'ing or right after landing taxi'ing.


Bent Bakken



I have a problem with P3Dv2.4 crashes on taxi when i have my tiller connected. When i disconnect the wires from the input-card, everthing is ok.

Is this a problem in FSUIPC or the card(Leo-bodnarBU0836X)?


I have tried to calibrate the cards in both Windows(7/64) and in FSUIPC, but to no use, it keeps crashing, either in the takoff airport taxi'ing or right after landing taxi'ing.


One control axis is exactly the same as another to FSUIPC. And the card itself is unlikely to be able to cause a crash unless there's a problem with the USB connection and the driver in Windows. Have you tried different USB sockets on the PC?


Is anything mentioned in the FSUIPC4.LOG file?


Does it happen with all aircraft, or only one?


If you don't calibrate in FSUIPC, how are you getting it assigned? The steering tiller facility in FSUIPC is only available "direct to FSUIPC calibration", and must be calibrated in FSUIPC, as well as the rudder, to ensure a correct trasfer of steering from one to the other.


If you are instead using the FSX steering control, then it is more likley to be a bug in that, and should be reported to L-M.



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