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I am just beginning to use offsets. There is an offset event available. I would like to show a value on the title bar of p3d. What I would do is capture the value of an existing offset, manipulate the value, assign that value to an unused offset and show the value of that offset using the logging page. Can I do it this way?

function ShowSomething(offset, value)

local newValue = value/10

writeSB(0x, newValue)


event.offset(0x, "SB", ShowSomething)

I would enter 0xoffsetUnused in the logging page to show on the title page. Confirmation or criticism most welcome,



I am just beginning to use offsets. There is an offset event available. I would like to show a value on the title bar of p3d. What I would do is capture the value of an existing offset, manipulate the value, assign that value to an unused offset and show the value of that offset using the logging page. Can I do it this way?


Well, with some corrections, yes:


function ShowSomething(offset, value)

local newValue = value/10

ipc.writeSB(0x????, newValue)


event.offset(0x????, "SB", "ShowSomething")


where the ???? parts are replaced by the correct hex values you want.


With Lua development, don't be afraid to actually try things. Yes, of course ask if you get stuck, but you can rarely do any harm by simply experimenting.




Thanks. Your last statement iced the cake. Inexperience sometimes leads one to be wary of blowing up the backyard.



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