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Help needed to create keystroke commands in wideclient

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-> Just a (modified) copy of my first post in the wrong part(user contributions) of the forum.<-


Hello everyboby,


I think I skiped something in the wideFS manual.


My setup:

I'm only using the DODO Sim Jet Ranger for FXS


FSX:Steam (Server PC), Fsuipc (latest version) on the server pc, wideFs (latest Version) on the client pc


The communication between server and client pc runs perfect.


Applications on my client pc:



Simkits CCU2 (only runs under 32Bit) - works under wideFS

Sinkits usb controller                           - works under wideFS


unchecked (under wideFS):

Ruscool Radio controller software

Ruscool 64 input controller software

Ruscool annunciator controller software



Start up procedure:


1. [Client pc]   - run wideclient

2. [Client pc]   - wideclient starts(run1) the SimKits CCU2 controller software (neccessary: Self-calibration of the gauges)

3. [server pc] - run FSX:ST [and load a flight] - (manually)

4. [server pc] - run the dodsim hardware utilities software - (manually)

5. [Client pc]   - wideclient should start the SimKitsUSB127 Software(Controls the USB gauges) after pressing Key "1"

6. [Client pc]   - wideclient should start the Ruscool radio controller software after pressing Key "2"

7. [Client pc]   - wideclient should start the Ruscool 64inputcontroller software after pressing Key "3"

8. [Client pc]   - wideclient should start the Ruscool annunciator software after pressng Key "4"

9. All gauges ready to run (hopefully)


My problem:

I'm not able to write the necessary commands into the wideclient config to use the keystroke(see above) commands...


I left a space between the different run-commands to put the keystroke-commands in between...


; -----------------------------------------------

Run1=C:\Program Files\TRC Development\The Real Cockpit\TRCLink.exe

RunReady2=C:\Program Files\SimkitsUSB\USBFSUIPCLink.exe

RunReady3=C:\Program Files\Ruscool Electronics Ltd\Radio Displays\Radio Displays.exe

RunReady4=C:\Program Files\Ruscool Electronics Ltd\64 Inputs and Encoders\64 Inputs and Encoders

RunReady5=C:\Program Files\Ruscool Electronics Ltd\Bell 206 Annunciators\Bell 206 Annunciators.exe


; ===============================================



It would be grate if somebody may willing to help me out of my mess.


The best may be to get a script of what to write into the user section.


Many thanks in advance



Link to my Bell Jet Ranger cockpit project at hovercontrol:


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Hi Tommy,


I don't think you need to write any 'keystrokes' as you don't need to generate these on the WideClient pc. You just need to tell WideClient to run the programs when you send the key messages from the server (SendKeys).


So, in the WideClient.ini you need something like this:


Run1=C:\Program Files\TRC Development\The Real Cockpit\TRCLink.exe

RunKey2=C:\Program Files\SimkitsUSB\USBFSUIPCLink.exe

RunKey3=C:\Program Files\Ruscool Electronics Ltd\Radio Displays\Radio Displays.exe

RunKey4=C:\Program Files\Ruscool Electronics Ltd\64 Inputs and Encoders\64 Inputs and Encoders

RunKey5=C:\Program Files\Ruscool Electronics Ltd\Bell 206 Annunciators\Bell 206 Annunciators.exe

Then on the FSX PC you need to go into the FSUIPC dialog and program keys 1-4 to send these key numbers (2-5). If you haven't already done that here's how to setup key 1 to send code 2:


1. Open the FSUIPC Dialog and go to the 'Key Presses' tab.

2. Press the [set] button, then press the key you want to bind (in this case the '1' key)

3. In the dropdown called "control sent when keys pressed" select the option "KEYSEND 1-255 (WideFS)"

4. In the "parameter" field enter the code number you want to send. In this case it's 2.

5. Press the [confirm] key.


Pressing key 1 in FSX:SE will now launch the program marked in WideClient.ini as RunKey2.


Just repeat for the other keys.



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