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Lua debug help needed

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I am trying to set an annunciator for the oil pressure so that it lights up if the pressure is below a certain value, goes off if it is above, but does not come on at all if the battery is off.


The code I have is : -

w7 = wnd.open("Oil", WND_FIXED, -48,160,45,50)

wnd.font(w7, WND_ARIAL, 10.0, WND_BOLD) --Font, Size, Properties
function oil(off,val)
   if val > 5000.0 then
      	  wnd.backcol(w7, 0x400) --Set off
          wnd.textcol(w7, 0x000)
          wnd.text(w7, "\n\n\ Oil")

	  if ipc.readUD(0x281C) ~= 1 then  -- battery is off
		wnd.backcol(w7, 0xfff) --Set off
         	wnd.textcol(w7, 0x000)
          	wnd.text(w7, "\n\n\ Oil")
		wnd.backcol(w7, 0xF20) --Set on
          	wnd.textcol(w7, 0x000)
          	wnd.text(w7, "\n\n\ Oil")

event.offset(0x08BA, "UW", "oil")

It seems to work OK sometimes but not others and I cannot see why.


From C & D it lights up the correct colour, switch batt on- right colour, start engine - right colour, stop engine right colour, batt off right colour sometimes, batt back on right colour sometimes only.


Note colours are only for test purpose, when working the fff colour will be changed to the correct one.  I set it to white for the test only.

I must have something wrong in the logic, but can't see what. 

Can anyone point it out to me please?

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The way you have it, the oil function only runs when the oil changes pressure changes. From your description you're getting inconstant results when turning the battery on and off. Unless the oil pressure happens to be changing at the same time the oil function will not run.


You could try changing the oil function to read the oil pressure using a direct ipc.read call (rather than using the value passed in by the event handler). Then create another event to call this new oil function on the battery offset (281C). This way the annunciator will update immediately when the oil pressure or the battery state changes.



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