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Game executable detected as virus.

a tom

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Hello, hopefully someone out there can help me. I have purchased Tower! 2011 almost two hours ago and after many attempts have been unable to install a working copy of the game.


I am running Windows 7 (64 bit) and use AVG Free for my anti-virus.


The problem I am having is: after installation, the game executable TOWER.EXE is detected as a virus: "Generic36.BMKA"

(more info: http://www.avgthreatlabs.com/ww-en/virus-and-malware-information/info/trojan-horse-generic/?name=Trojan%20horse%20Generic36.BMKA&utm_source=TDPU&utm_medium=SCAN&PRTYPE=AVF).


I'm not prepared to deactivate my anti-virus, nor is there an option to run the program in spite of the detection (as you would expect).


If anyone else has had this issue or has any idea how to solve this problem, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have downloaded the installer 3 times (once per available mirror) with no change in the result.


Thanks in advance,



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Hi Tom,


simFlight forum admin chipping in, from 20-something years of PC support...


Any "malware" that report that includes the word "GENERIC" means that it is something called a heuristic detection and almost certainly a false positive. AVG, unfortunately, seems to be making a lot of these, recently. It's got a long way to go before it catches up NAV/Symantec, though! :)

You can submit the file to AVG for further examination if you wish, but it certainly isn't a "real" verified virus that has been detected. As no other AV package is flagging up the file - or there'd be a flood of posts here - then I'd say you're safe yo unblock it. There certainly used to be a simple right-click in virus vault and select "not a virus" option in AVG... Have they removed that?




Ian P.

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Hi Ian,


Thank-you so much for the advice. I was able to find a way of white listing in AVG (advanced, exceptions), but no longer need to. I reported the false positive to AVG before work and it seems that they have already white-listed it. No more false positive.


Thanks again for the help. Now I just need to work out how this game works...!





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