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I recently had to re-install FSX Steam version and after I had installed FSUIPC 4.948 I confidently selected to check existing registration, as I had purchased this in April 2012.


Imagine then my surprise to be told that registration was cancelled or did not check! There was no way I could see of challenging this or entering my key. I clicked OK and that was it - no further interaction.


What do I do now please?


Iain Smith




 Was the "FSUIPC4.key" file in the FSX:SE\Modules folder? If not, locate it from a from a possible saved email, current FSX:boxed installation, backup files -or- get a replacement .key from simMarket via customer account. Once that is done make sure the .key file is in the FSX:SE\Modules folder & retry the FSUIPC4 installation.  


Hi Roman, thanks for your response. I tried downloading FSUIPC4 again and re-installing it but I had the same result and no key file was placed in the modules folder.


I raised a ticket at SimMarket and they replied saying there is no re-install key and told me to do what I have already tried. So, I am getting nowhere!


Iain Smith




 I hope this helps, I haven't had to do anything since installing in 2011. I believe the key is created only after the pertinent info is entered, then one could use "check existing registration". If there is no key you should use something like... "Enter registration information" or similar when the dialog comes up.


Sign into simMarket - click Your Account / Purchase History - click the FSUIPC purchase. All the registration information needed is now given for entry. You must rerun the FSUIPC installation.exe in order to enter this information. Once this is done a key is then created for subsequent updates etc...


Roman, thanks but I've sorted in now. In the box that comes up after installation instead of selecting "check existing registration" to which the answer will be that there isn't one, you have to select "enter new registration" when up comes a box into which you enter your key number.


The wording is wrong and totally misleading. I wasn't looking for a new registration input! Anyway, all's well now and thanks for your helpful responses.




Excellent!   :razz:  There will now be a  "FSUIPC4.key" file in the FSX:SE\Modules folder. Copy that and save it somewhere. It will save troubles on a new install etc.. 


check existing registration = I have a FSUIPC4.key, please check it.

enter new registration = I have do not have a FSUIPC4.key, please create one & check it.

  On 11/23/2015 at 12:43 PM, Iain said:

The wording is wrong and totally misleading. I wasn't looking for a new registration input! Anyway, all's well now and thanks for your helpful responses.


It might be an idea for the installer to avoid displaying that option if it doesn't detect an FSUIPC.KEY file in any of the installation folders. If Pete is poking around in the installer, it might also be a good idea for "Check Existing Registration" to provide some feedback if the registration is valid - I always found it a little counter-intuitive that no feedback at all was success.





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