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How to swap frequencies?

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So I've got an Arduino running radios etc, but I can't get it to swap the frequencies.


I send the code from my arduino "swapc1"


Lua accepts this, but I can't get the following to work.


Sent from Arduino: swapc1:1

  char buffer [20];
  sprintf (buffer, "%s:%d\n", name, value);
//  lcd2.setCursor(0,3);
//  lcd2.print("S:");
//  lcd2.print(buffer);
  Serial.write (buffer);

Lua Script

    if string.match (str,"swapc1:(%x)") then

I did have a script trying to manually swap them as well, but would rather use the presets.


Anyone able to assist?

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'swapc1' would suggest you're trying to swap the COM1 radio, but 66444 does COM2. Have you tried 66372 (COM_STBY_RADIO_SWAP)?


Another method you could try to swap radios is writing the following byte values to offset 0x3123:


8: COM1 swap
4: COM2 swap
2: NAV1 swap
1: NAV2 swap




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