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Tracon!3D Departure Tag updateissue


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FeelThere Team - thanks for a great start to an upgrade product

Notice something different from 2011 that I was not sure if it was left off on purpose or a bug.

The departure strips used to be updated with a check mark when clearing a plane for takeoff in 2011 but not doing that in Towre!3D (see attached screen shots)Was that on purpose?

Also I'm hoping you plan on adding dual monitor functionality and short keys soon.  That would be much appreciated






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Thank you for the kind words.

Dual monitor is planned for the Pro version and we are not planning to add shortcuts; we have mouse commands for this version. For the Pro version we completely overhaul the Command Panel so it will have lots of other functions, if you don't use speech then likely you will use your mouse more anyways so we will make it a bit different, more useful for the new commands.

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