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Hi, I would like to light up a led on my home made mip when tcas is on taonly or tara position. What offset can I use?

I use sioc and fsuipc




there is no Offset for a switch position as it depends on the instrument / gauge used in the different default AC's and add-on AC. You need to check the LVars of those instruments or SDK's for add-on AC's. You can then use those information with a Lua script to read the i.e. switch position and write it to free User Offsets for your hardware.

To find more information about LVars please check the Manual.




as I replied already there is no Offset available in FSUIPC for that. Also as said if you use add-on AC's you might find a SDK of the manufacture that can help. Ifly 737 is an add-on and you might ask in their forum or support if such a function is supplied.


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