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what works in FSX, doesn't in P3D V4.2 (installed some days ago with FSUIPC 5.131 registered version):
I defined my T.Flight HOTAS throttle to zoom and the rocker switch on the throttle to view panning.

Everything works ok when I fly "normally", but in the instant replay mode, the FSUIPC controlled axis don't work.

After installing P3D, I defined the whole HOTAS in FSUIPC, but in instant replay mode, even the buttons (view next a.s.o.) do not work.

Except from instant replay mode, everything in P3D/FSUIPC works well - as in FSX.

Is there any setting in FSUIPC that I have forgotten to activate/define, so that FSUIPC 5 works in P3D instant replay mode ?

  On 6/5/2018 at 9:33 PM, Quaxman said:

verything works ok when I fly "normally", but in the instant replay mode, the FSUIPC controlled axis don't work.

After installing P3D, I defined the whole HOTAS in FSUIPC, but in instant replay mode, even the buttons (view next a.s.o.) do not work.


For axes, FSUIPC does nothing different whether in "instant replay" mode or not. FSIOPC doesn't know anything about it and cannot operste differently.

What about if the axes are assigned in P3D itself? And is P3D4 ddifferent to P3D3?

  On 6/5/2018 at 9:33 PM, Quaxman said:

Except from instant replay mode, everything in P3D/FSUIPC works well - as in FSX.


Sorry, that seems to contradict what you just said! Please explain.

  On 6/5/2018 at 9:33 PM, Quaxman said:

Is there any setting in FSUIPC that I have forgotten to activate/define, so that FSUIPC 5 works in P3D instant replay mode ?


There's no such setting. Instant replay mode is totally irrelevant to FSUIPC operations. Check with logging -- FSUIPC logging tab. Enable axis logging and see.

Maybe it's a function of P3D4?  Perhaps you should ask in the L-M P3D support forum?




Sorry for wasting your time, I found a hint in
www.fsdeveloper.com , stating:

That's a very old limitation of the FSX/P3D rendering engine.
For some reason, the sim's built-in instant replay will not render any SimObjects that were injected from SimConnect clients. Tools like SODE, FSDT's couatl and even AI Traffic generators are affected by this.
I have posted a request to change this in LM's Prepar3D forum a long time ago, but did not get a response...
A workaround to this is to use a 3rd party recorder/replay tool, like FSRecorder or such. The objects are displayed when using those.

Meaning: it's not a bug but a feature 🤒

I checked the behaviour, for example of the HOTAS rocker switch, again, it's the same in FSX and P3D:

  • "send to FS as normal axis" -> works in replay mode
  • "send direct to FSUIPC Calibration" : pan heading -> doesn't work in replay mode

So, it seems to be a limitation of FSX and P3D.

Just to be complete:
in FSX, to limit the panning from 180° to some 90°, I modified standard.xml by setting AXIS_PAN_HEADING Value <AxScale> to 127, this doesn't work in P3D V4.2 any more as AxScale has another meaning.
So, I limit the panning by setting a FSUIPC factor:
11=3S,256,D,33,0,0,0,*0.65    -{ DIRECT: PanHeading }-
That works great in flying , but not in instant replay mode for the above reason.
And the reason to drive the HOTAS throttle with FSUIPC is the absence of the function "view zoom set" in the sim itself,
thanks to FSUIPC, I can use the big lever for zooming in and out.

So, after browsing the whole internet, it seems, the only solution to this (admittedly marginal) problem is to cause Santa Claus to come some months earlier and bring me one of these praised replay plugins...🙂

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