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Trying to split visuals across two PCs. Main pc has p3dv4 and its version of FSUIPC/wideview. Other has p3dv3 and widefs client. I start p3d on the main. I start widefs on the client and it connects. I then try to start p3d on the client pc and get an error message that a p3d is already running.  If I try a different order, starting p3d on the client, then widefs won’t run - error message says that the same class of program is already running. I know the answer must be simple but it escapes me.  Thanks - Dave



-the slave visual must be with Y command (slew mode)

i don't know the soft WANFS? also normaly wide client can't work with an fs ou p3d running on same pc (it there one possibility but not good for your need).

if you know LUA you have sample  with masterclient.lua and slaveserver.lua . this tow scrips allows to transmet the 6 vars needed to the slave (y mode) longitude, latitude, pitch,bank,hdg and altitude. so the slave visual follow the master. (you must givethe good  ip address on each scripts)

best regard



Trying to split visuals across two PCs.

WideFS (WideServer & WideClient) is not for splitting visuals across different PCs. It extends the FSUIPC interface over a network. This is so programs that use FSUIPC can run on networked machines.


I start widefs on the client and it connects. I then try to start p3d on the client pc and get an error message that a p3d is already running

Yes, this is by design. WideClient pretends to be FSX or P3D. This is so FSUIPC programs are tricked into thinking there is a copy of FSX/P3D running on the machine. You can't run both.

It sounds like you are getting confused with another product called WideVieW. That program is for running external views on networked PCs and links copies of FSX/P3D together.



Paul, that is exactly what is wrong - thanks for unconfusing me. Too many Wide apps.  I need WidevieW (or Opus FSI apparently).

And thanks Gilles for pointing out the lua examples. I like to fool with lua to hook Arduinos to the sim.   - Dave

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