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Hi Pete,

Saitek TPM

Windows 10 sees it
P3D 4.4 sees it in Calibration
FSUIPC 5.15 sees it in the Axis Assignment tab as:
Throttle movement - Joy 4 X Axis#
Prop movement  - Joy 4 Y Axis#
Mixture movement - Joy 4 R Axis#

I cannot have all three at once, FSUPIC will only see each one after I Rescan it.
If I select Prop and go to the Joystick Calibration tab 2 of 11 Prop, mixture and brakes, it will not show the numbers move when I move the prop handle.

It worked in the last version.

FSUIPC sees my TQ6, RUDDO pedals, and Thrustmaster Hotas.

The only way I can get it to work is if I assign it in P3D’s Axis assignments

Please tell me what I’m doing wrong.

This is a brand new install of Windows 10 Pro and P3D 4.4.


FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csvFetching info...

  On 12/7/2018 at 9:11 PM, PHII33 said:

I cannot have all three at once, FSUPIC will only see each one after I Rescan it.


Sorry, I don't understand this bit.  Not see all three at once? In the assignments tab? That only responds to one at a time. That's where the "rescan" button is.

  On 12/7/2018 at 9:11 PM, PHII33 said:

If I select Prop and go to the Joystick Calibration tab 2 of 11 Prop, mixture and brakes, it will not show the numbers move when I move the prop handle.


Is "Tab 2" the prop pitch calibration tab? Do you mean page 2 of 11 (or whatever)? Isn't that throttles? (sorry, my system isn't on at this moment).

  On 12/7/2018 at 9:11 PM, PHII33 said:

It worked in the last version.


"last version" being what, 5.141e? 

There's been no change in anything to do with joystick calibration for many msny versions. In fact not since P3D4 was released in June 2017.

I see you attached the JoyScan file. That looks fine. Where's the FSUIPC5.INI file snd yjr FSUIPC5.LOG file, please? I need all three.

  On 12/7/2018 at 9:11 PM, PHII33 said:

This is a brand new install of Windows 10 Pro and P3D 4.4.


Ah. What version of Windows were you using before? So it isn't just an FSUIPC version change?



  • Like 1
  On 12/7/2018 at 11:28 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Sorry, I don't understand this bit.  Not see all three at once? In the assignments tab? That only responds to one at a time. That's where the "rescan" button is.

Is "Tab 2" the prop pitch calibration tab? Do you mean page 2 of 11 (or whatever)? Isn't that throttles? (sorry, my system isn't on at this moment).

"last version" being what, 5.141e? 

There's been no change in anything to do with joystick calibration for many msny versions. In fact not since P3D4 was released in June 2017.

I see you attached the JoyScan file. That looks fine. Where's the FSUIPC5.INI file snd yjr FSUIPC5.LOG file, please? I need all three.

Ah. What version of Windows were you using before? So it isn't just an FSUIPC version change?




I'm sorry for any misunderstanding Pete.

Yes, this is a Throttle/Prop/Mixture unit from Saitek.

Yes, it worked fine in the last version 5.141e. Same exact Windows 10 Pro as before.  This is simply a Windows reset after a crash.

In order for me to fly any prop planes I have to use P3D's Axis assignments native to the program for the prop, throttle, and mixer, it was not like this a week ago.  I did everything through FSUIPC.  

So now when I fly the TQ6 and TPM are fighting each other.  If I am in a 182 for example and move the TPM throttle it's fine but if I bump the TQ6 throttle it will then control the prop.

It's worse in the MilViz 407, no matter where the TPM's throttle is I can't use the TQ6 lever like I did last week to get airborne, the TPM overrides it.

Here are my files.




  On 12/7/2018 at 11:46 PM, PHII33 said:

Yes, it worked fine in the last version 5.141e


Well, there were most certainly no changes between 5.141e and 5.15 in anything to do with joystick assignment or calibration.

  On 12/7/2018 at 11:46 PM, PHII33 said:

If I am in a 182 for example and move the TPM throttle it's fine but if I bump the TQ6 throttle it will then control the prop.


This implies you have an incorrect assignment!

The files show everything is fine other than you have no axis assignments at all to Joy #4. It looks like all your TPM assignments are to #3, which is not seen. Look:

0=0X,256,D,9,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Throttle1 }-
1=0Y,256,D,10,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Throttle2 }-
2=0Z,256,D,41,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Reverser1 }-
3=0U,256,D,23,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Flaps }-
4=0V,256,F,66382,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_SPOILER_SET }-
5=1X,256,D,1,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Aileron }-
6=1Y,256,D,2,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Elevator }-
7=3X,256,D,4,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Throttle }-

0=1X,256,D,1,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Aileron }-
1=1Y,256,D,2,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Elevator }-
2=2X,256,D,3,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Rudder }-
3=2U,256,D,7,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake }-
4=2V,256,D,8,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: RightBrake }-
5=3X,256,D,4,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Throttle }-
6=3Y,256,D,5,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: PropPitch }-
7=3R,256,D,6,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Mixture }-

etc, etc

I think it isn't anything at all to do with your change in FSUIPC version, but your Windows "reset" (whatever that is. a re-install, repair?). Windows has simply changed the joystick IDs. This happens, which is why I added the Joy Letters facility, long long ago.

When you have multiple joystick controls you should be using Joy Letters, not numbers. Please see the chapter on this in the User Guide. I recommend you apply them. But first, try changing these lines in your INI file:

4=Saitek Pro Flight TPM System


3=Saitek Pro Flight TPM System

That might get your registry changed to the previous ID. If not then you will need to edit all of those assignments, changing 4 to 3. OR download the utility "JoyIDs" and use that to change the ID. (for that, see the FAQ thread 

Once that's all working THEN enable the Joy Lettering so this won't happen again.




Many thanks Pete!  I’ll add these lines now.

But I read and read page 21 and still can’t figure out what needs to be done.  I simply don’t understand what I’m reading.

As for Windows reset, yes, it’s a fresh new install of windows.  And not one of my devices have been unplugged and plugged into a different USB port.

And to make matters even more complicated I got a brand new Yoke today and wonder when I plug it in I’ll have to make all new FSUIPC profiles for myp lanes for it?


Thanks Pete that worked.  Now I have to add my new yoke.  Will it interfere with the Thrustmaster stick?  Should I unplug the stick for the yoke, I read that can cause problems.


  On 12/8/2018 at 1:04 AM, PHII33 said:

Now I have to add my new yoke.  Will it interfere with the Thrustmaster stick?  Should I unplug the stick for the yoke, I read that can cause problems.


With FSUIPC assignment joystick devices won't interfere with each other if they are not used and don't "jitter" by themselves. to avoid any possibilty of jitter you only need to leave them in the "idle or "central" position and make sure you've calibrated a zone for that. i.e. set the FSUIPC minimum above the true value or, for cewntred axes like rudder, aileron and elevator, set a sufficient central zone (that's why there are two values to be calibrated for centres).

With aileron, elvator, and rudder, both axes for the same function can be used, even at the same time. FSUIPC automatically takes the highest (furthest from centre) value.

  On 12/8/2018 at 12:31 AM, PHII33 said:

But I read and read page 21 and still can’t figure out what needs to be done.  I simply don’t understand what I’m reading.


What's not to understand? Please do say.  It explains the reason for the facility, how FSUIPC identifies devices, then this part:

In general you would choose letters suggesting the type of control—J for Joystick, Y for Yoke, T for throttle or Q for
Quadrant, G for G-stick, etc. If the letters assigned do not matter you can change the “AutoAssignLetters” option, in the
[JoyNames] section, thus:
With the option so set, FSUIPC will automatically assign the alpha IDs, starting with A and proceeding to Z, skipping I and O.

In other words if you don't care what letters are used, just change a no" to a "Yes". That's all you need to do!

Most people prefer letters like T for Throttle, R for rudder, Y for Yoke, but if editing the lines to do this is too complicated for you, don't bother. One 3-letter edit (No to Yes) will do.




Hi Pete and many thanks again.

I have to first say I’m not very good with FSUIPC, it confuses me and I have so many questions.

I’m not at the PC right now but this is basically what I do as it’s more trial and error than anything.

Install a new plane.


Go to the tab where it sees movement of a throttle or flight control.

Tick the profile box then when it asks what I want to do, I create a new profile based on say the 182.

Then name it, say Bonanza.

And then it will work with only one tail number so I quit P3D, go to the ini file (which I keep a copy on my desktop) and modify it so it can read all the Bonanzas, like you said in the past if the word Bonanza is in the name of the plane FSUIPC will see them all.

There’s one thing I wish I could do and don’t know if it can be done, and that is delete a profile.  Do I have to modify the ini to do that?

So this brings me to today.  I am going to keep the Thrustmaster HOTAS stick connected.  Go into the INI and use your lettering method, and then connect my new yoke.

So what I need to know is this, when it’s connected and I go to that tab where it sees movement do I need to create all new profiles for every plane I have, I have 14 of them.  I mean how do I add the yoke to the existing profile?  Or will I have to create a new profile “based on” for example the Bonanza and name it Bonanza yoke?

If I seem confusing I apologize in advance.



  On 12/8/2018 at 8:32 AM, Pete Dowson said:

With FSUIPC assignment joystick devices won't interfere with each other if they are not used and don't "jitter" by themselves. to avoid any possibilty of jitter you only need to leave them in the "idle or "central" position and make sure you've calibrated a zone for that. i.e. set the FSUIPC minimum above the true value or, for cewntred axes like rudder, aileron and elevator, set a sufficient central zone (that's why there are two values to be calibrated for centres).

With aileron, elvator, and rudder, both axes for the same function can be used, even at the same time. FSUIPC automatically takes the highest (furthest from centre) value.

What's not to understand? Please do say.  It explains the reason for the facility, how FSUIPC identifies devices, then this part:

In general you would choose letters suggesting the type of control—J for Joystick, Y for Yoke, T for throttle or Q for
Quadrant, G for G-stick, etc. If the letters assigned do not matter you can change the “AutoAssignLetters” option, in the
[JoyNames] section, thus:
With the option so set, FSUIPC will automatically assign the alpha IDs, starting with A and proceeding to Z, skipping I and O.

In other words if you don't care what letters are used, just change a no" to a "Yes". That's all you need to do!

Most people prefer letters like T for Throttle, R for rudder, Y for Yoke, but if editing the lines to do this is too complicated for you, don't bother. One 3-letter edit (No to Yes) will do.




Thanks for this Pete, so do I modify the INI file before I plug in the yoke or after?

  On 12/8/2018 at 3:58 PM, PHII33 said:

There’s one thing I wish I could do and don’t know if it can be done, and that is delete a profile.  Do I have to modify the ini to do that?


Yes. sorry, there's no other way.  just delete any section with the Profile name inside the [...].

Maybe a better Profile editor will be developed, now the furious pace of Sim development has slowed a little. it has been on my list for a while, but there's always something more important cropping up.

My son, John, takes over from me next year, and being younger (i am 75 now) I'm sure he'll have more energy to tackle such things.

  On 12/8/2018 at 3:58 PM, PHII33 said:

So what I need to know is this, when it’s connected and I go to that tab where it sees movement do I need to create all new profiles for every plane I have, I have 14 of them


Why 14? Do they all have different assignments, different calibrations? I envisaged Profiles being used more per aircraft type: airliners (2/3/4 engine), GA props, Turboprops, Helicopters and Fighters or Stunt planes.  How do you get to 14?

With buttons and keys the general assignments apply to all profiles unless specifically overridden by assignments in those. However, this can't be done with axes.  if that was allowed the general assignments for axes not used on this aircraft type could interfere.

You could of course do the assignments and calibrations in one profile, then copy the entries so made to the others. But whether that's really worth the trouble depends on how many there are and how similar too. it would probably be easier to do the assignments and calibrations as you load and use an aircraft from a different profile. (will you actually be using the Stick and Yoke, both on all aircraft, all 14 profiles? Seems a little over your real needs -- how many hands have you got? 😉 ).

  On 12/8/2018 at 3:58 PM, PHII33 said:

I mean how do I add the yoke to the existing profile?  Or will I have to create a new profile “based on” for example the Bonanza and name it Bonanza yoke?


You don't need new profiles. In fact you can't if there's already a profile assigned for the currently loaded aircraft. When a profile aircraft is loaded, all of its assignmentrs are loaded, and you can add, delete, change them normally.



  • Like 1
  On 12/8/2018 at 4:08 PM, PHII33 said:

Thanks for this Pete, so do I modify the INI file before I plug in the yoke or after?


Change the No to a Yes. Do it now, before you load P3D again! The new yoke will be assigned a new letter. Otherwise you'll need to close, change it , and reload!



  • Like 1
  On 12/8/2018 at 4:19 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Yes. sorry, there's no other way.  just delete any section with the Profile name inside the [...].

Maybe a better Profile editor will be developed, now the furious pace of Sim development has slowed a little. it has been on my list for a while, but there's always something more important cropping up.

My son, John, takes over from me next year, and being younger (i am 75 now) I'm sure he'll have more energy to tackle such things.

Why 14? Do they all have different assignments, different calibrations? I envisaged Profiles being used more per aircraft type: airliners (2/3/4 engine), GA props, Turboprops, Helicopters and Fighters or Stunt planes.  How do you get to 14?

With buttons and keys the general assignments apply to all profiles unless specifically overridden by assignments in those. However, this can't be done with axes.  if that was allowed the general assignments for axes not used on this aircraft type could interfere.

You could of course do the assignments and calibrations in one profile, then copy the entries so made to the others. But whether that's really worth the trouble depends on how many there are and how similar too. it would probably be easier to do the assignments and calibrations as you load and use an aircraft from a different profile. (will you actually be using the Stick and Yoke, both on all aircraft, all 14 profiles? Seems a little over your real needs -- how many hands have you got? 😉 ).

You don't need new profiles. In fact you can't if there's already a profile assigned for the currently loaded aircraft. When a profile aircraft is loaded, all of its assignmentrs are loaded, and you can add, delete, change them normally.




Thanks Pete!

Well, I know guys with hundreds of planes.

I have a separate profile for say A2A's Bonanza and one for A2A's 182.  It's the same profile I would imagine since I created it "based on".

My planes are four A2A, four PMDG, two RealAir, one Flight1, three MilViz.  That's it.  It seems every time I added a new plane FSUPIC needed a new profile so I always used the "based on" thing.

I see how it won't allow a new profile once it loads the plane, yes that makes sense.  I copied over my profile from the last version so I didn't have to recreate all of them.


  On 12/8/2018 at 4:21 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Change the No to a Yes. Do it now, before you load P3D again! The new yoke will be assigned a new letter. Otherwise you'll need to close, change it , and reload!




Ok, the PC isn't even turned on yet, gonna do it now as I was waiting for your reply which was super fast, thanks.

So I have to find that "No" in the ini file and go by your previous reply.


  On 12/8/2018 at 4:28 PM, PHII33 said:

Well, I know guys with hundreds of planes.


Yes, but that isn't really relevant. There's very seldom a need to have separate axis assignments to start with, and generally a properly calibrated axis will be correctly calibrated with any aircraft. The thinks most likely to change are button assignments 9for different cockpit panels) and keypresses (similar), and with those you can have all of the normal, more usual, ones assigned generally, not in a profile. So the number of assignments is small and so are the number of different profiles.

  On 12/8/2018 at 4:28 PM, PHII33 said:

I have a separate profile for say A2A's Bonanza and one for A2A's 182.


With different axis assignments and calibrations? Why?

  On 12/8/2018 at 4:28 PM, PHII33 said:

It's the same profile I would imagine since I created it "based on".


Why would you do that unless you then wanted to change it specifically for that profile? It makes no sense. Why not just assign it to the Bonanza one.

I assume you have named all your profiles for the aircraft mode? That is really a bit of a mistake. "Single Engined Prop" would be better and might apply to both of those and many others.

  On 12/8/2018 at 4:28 PM, PHII33 said:

 It seems every time I added a new plane FSUPIC needed a new profile


Why? did they need different axis assignments, calibrations, buttons, keys?

Even if it is only buttons and keys, you don't need new axis assignments and calibrations. If you don't create  profile-based axis or assignment sections then the general ones apply, so for your most common aircraft type yo could have done a general one and only do profile assignments for those siginificantly different. Really even 1- 2- 3- or 4- engines don't always mean another profile is needed., as throttle changes for non-existent engines won't do anything.

  On 12/8/2018 at 4:30 PM, PHII33 said:

So I have to find that "No" in the ini file and go by your previous reply.


It's the obviously named parameter in the [Joynames] section. You've already been there to edit the TPM id number.




I think the real reason I did it this way is I didn't understand FSUIPC.  I have a very difficult time wrapping my mind around some of these programs, (I have autism Pete) so it's not easy to learn some things.

I'm beginning to get the picture now.  I was under the impression I needed a different profile for each different plane, ie; 182, Bonanza, etc.  Now I see I didn't.

It still works the way I have it unless you recommend I start fresh, which I'm really loathe to do because I'd probably still end up creating a separate profile for all 14 planes.

  On 12/8/2018 at 5:05 PM, PHII33 said:

t still works the way I have it unless you recommend I start fresh


The only reason to do that would just be to save work editing the INI for your new control, as I said earlier.  If you are okay editing the INI in the ways I described, then you might as well stick with the way you have it.

But consider using an existing Profile for any new aircraft you get if it's applicable. Even if the Profile name is a little misleading. It won't really matter too much, and you could always rename it by changing it wherever it occurs in one of those [...] section headings.



  • Like 1
  On 12/8/2018 at 5:16 PM, Pete Dowson said:

The only reason to do that would just be to save work editing the INI for your new control, as I said earlier.  If you are okay editing the INI in the ways I described, then you might as well stick with the way you have it.

But consider using an existing Profile for any new aircraft you get if it's applicable. Even if the Profile name is a little misleading. It won't really matter too much, and you could always rename it by changing it wherever it occurs in one of those [...] section headings.




But this is exactly the part I don’t understand.  I wish there was a step by step tutorial or video on exactly how to do what I describe.

I simply do not understand how to NOT create a new profile for a plane I might add.

  On 12/8/2018 at 5:20 PM, PHII33 said:

But this is exactly the part I don’t understand.


You mean assigning an existing profile to a newly loaded aircraft? Just select that profile instead of "based on ...2"

  On 12/8/2018 at 5:20 PM, PHII33 said:

I simply do not understand how to NOT create a new profile for a plane I might add.


When you click Profile, to get your entry "based on ...2, there's a complete list of existing profiles to choose from 9as well as "New" to create a completly new one). Just select the most suitable directly, instead of "based on" then selectng it!

You are puzzled by the simpler action yet going for what is really the more advanced one, using more selection steps as well.



  • Like 1
  On 12/8/2018 at 5:37 PM, Pete Dowson said:

You mean assigning an existing profile to a newly loaded aircraft? Just select that profile instead of "based on ...2"

When you click Profile, to get your entry "based on ...2, there's a complete list of existing profiles to choose from 9as well as "New" to create a completly new one). Just select the most suitable directly, instead of "based on" then selectng it!

You are puzzled by the simpler action yet going for what is really the more advanced one, using more selection steps as well.




Ok, thanks Pete, I so very much appreciate all your help.  I might install Flight1’s Mustang but I already have a profile for it.

I guess I could delete it from the ini.

I just changed the No to a Yes and am about to plug in the yoke and load a plane and see what happens with FSUIPC.

I have no idea what will happen or what I’m supposed to do though. 😞 

  On 12/8/2018 at 5:52 PM, PHII33 said:

I just changed the No to a Yes and am about to plug in the yoke and load a plane and see what happens with FSUIPC.

I have no idea what will happen or what I’m supposed to do though. 😞 


You'll just see the new Yoke with a letter. don't worry abouut it -- it's a letter instead of a number!

On this:

  On 12/8/2018 at 5:52 PM, PHII33 said:

I might install Flight1’s Mustang but I already have a profile for it.

I guess I could delete it from the ini.


Why not use the Mustang livery you have if it is for the same aircraft? Why delete it?



  On 12/8/2018 at 6:02 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Why not use the Mustang livery you have if it is for the same aircraft? Why delete it?


Ok, I plugged it in and loaded the 182.  It moves the ailerons and stabs.  That’s good.

As for the Mustang, I was thinking about deleting it from the ini as a test to figure out what I should do in FSUIPC with a new plane after installation, what exact steps I need to do.

  On 12/8/2018 at 6:07 PM, PHII33 said:

As for the Mustang, I was thinking about deleting it from the ini as a test to figure out what I should do in FSUIPC with a new plane after installation, what exact steps I need to do.


But if you delete the most suitable Profile, what profile will you assign to? And youd have lost those profile settings.

If the aircraft name isn't recongiced in the Profile list, then you'll have the full choice of New, pr any existing profile, as well as "based on ...". i don't understand how you could not have noticed all those 14 profile names in the drop-down list before now, before selecting "based on " instead. And after all it is a lot more direct -- one less selection to make.

The picture in the user Guide shows more than just "based on" I'm sure.



  • Sad 1
  On 12/8/2018 at 6:16 PM, Pete Dowson said:

But if you delete the most suitable Profile, what profile will you assign to? And youd have lost those profile settings.

If the aircraft name isn't recongiced in the Profile list, then you'll have the full choice of New, pr any existing profile, as well as "based on ...". i don't understand how you could not have noticed all those 14 profile names in the drop-down list before now, before selecting "based on " instead. And after all it is a lot more direct -- one less selection to make.

The picture in the user Guide shows more than just "based on" I'm sure.




Ok, at this point I’m so incredibly confused it’s not funny.

Like I said, I wish there was a very simple step by step visual guide to install a new plane and create a profile.

I really am hopelessly lost now.


  On 12/8/2018 at 6:21 PM, PHII33 said:

Ok, at this point I’m so incredibly confused it’s not funny.

Like I said, I wish there was a very simple step by step visual guide to install a new plane and create a profile.


I don't understand. How did you find the entry "New, based on ..."? Please do tell me. Because that exact same drop down selection also shows "New ..." for a NEW profile, and all the existing profiles. You can select from any of those, NOT just "New, based on" which you are fixated upon!  You can also select "Cancel" or ANY of your existing profiles!

Perhaps your autism stops you looking at what else is in front of you.  But you must be intelligent or you would not have got as far as "New, based on..."!

Can you please look at the FSUIPC User Guide page 19? It is explained there very simply! The "New, based on ..." method which you seem to want to use all the time, is actually covered in a lot less detail than normal profile selection!

Please just load P3D, install your aircraft, go to any of FSUIPC's assignments or calibration tabs, click the Profile selection, and see what you get! I really can't explain in simpler terms. Those are the steps, exactly. When the drop down appears choose the Profile you want to use for this aircraft, or New for a completely new one. That's it. no other steps needed - unless you sleect New in which case you have to enter a new name.



  On 12/8/2018 at 7:29 PM, Pete Dowson said:

I don't understand. how did ytou find the entry "based on ..."? Please do tell me. Because that exact same drop down selection also shows !New! for a NEW profile, and the existing profiles. you can select from any of those, NOT just "New, based on" which you are fixated upon!  You can also select "New", "ancel" and ANY of your existing profiles!

Perhaps your autism stops you looking at what else is in front of you.  But you must be intelligent or uyou would not have got as far as "based on..."!

Can you please look at the FSUIPC User Guide. It is explained there very simply! The "New, based on ..." method which oyu seem to want to use all the time, is actually covered in a lot less detail than normal profile selection!

Please just load P3D, install your aircraft, go to any of FSUIPC's assignments or calibration tabs, click the Profile selection, and see what you get! I really can't explain in simpler terms. Those are the steps, exactly. When the drop down appears choose the Profile you want to use for this aircraft, or New for a completely new one. That's it. no other steps needed.




I found it in that drop down menu so I went with New Based On.  No idea why, I think I was thinking if I didn’t it would mess up the current profile.

The autism makes me stupid, I have to admit, it takes me a while to “get it”.

Ok, I’m actually on that screen right now, Joystick Calibration tab.  All I see is an empty box that says Profile Specific?

This is what’s going on right now.

1. I have the A2A Bonanza on the taxi way with engines running.

2. I have both the HOTAS stick connected and the new yoke connected to the PC.

3. I’m looking at the Joystick Calibration tab for 1 of 11: Main Flight Controls.

4. When I move the yoke FSUIPC doesn’t see it but when I move the stick, which is siting on the floor it does see it move.

5. If I go to the Axis Assignment tab and move the yoke I see Joy# E, Y Axis.  And the numbers change as I move it.

6. But back to the Joystick Calibration tab it doesn’t show movement of the yoke.

And Pete, I really am sorry if I’m frustrating you, please accept my apology.  I do so very much appreciate all your wonderful help.

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