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Direct send & Send to Sim

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4 hours ago, farman said:

may I ask the difference between snd a chosen axis via "Direct" (first check) or send to Sim (second check)?

Direct to FSUIPC Calibration doesn't use the regular sim Controls ("Events"), but sends the input from your axis to the Calibration section directly. So you need to calibrate by this route. The results are then fed into the Sim either directly or with possibly different Controls, but at a lower SimConnect priority. so a loop is avoided.

Generally this is more efficient as there are less messages flying about, but because of the way the controls are then fed back into the Sim it doesn't suit all add-on aircraft.

The assignment to the refular FS controls is just like assigning in the Sim -- excepting of course you have the facilities or automatically having different assignments for different aircraft type (as you have with either method in FSUIPC). Some add-on aircraft only work correctly if you do this.

Either way, and even if you assign in the Sim, you can calibrate in FSUIPC -- this is why a loop might be caused if FSUIPC fed the results back at the same priority level and re-intercepted them.. But, again, some add-on aircraft don't work correctly because of the changes this may perform.



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