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Assign buttons FSLABS A3XX

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I have looked into forum and different websites to figure out how to assign ignition and engine master switch in FSUIPC. I have a registreed version for P3DV4, and just got a Throttletek A320 flight box.
Topics I found are all regarindg FSX and creating a Macro. I have triede this and name file .MCRO but it is still not found in FSUIPC
The Macro I found looks like this


According to topic, it should appear in the top of the menu in FSUIPC and could be used for assignment.
Unfornutately it does not appear, thus it is placed in Modules folder

Any one who have a hint ?



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Hi Lars,

6 hours ago, Lars Jolls said:

I have triede this and name file .MCRO

the file should be called <something>.MCRO, e.g. A320.MCRO.

Any macro files find should also be listed in your .ini file - could you post/attach this please?


P.S. I moved your post from the FAQ section - please post all support requests here, in the support section. Thanks.

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On 8/4/2019 at 6:15 PM, John Dowson said:

Hi Lars,

the file should be called <something>.MCRO, e.g. A320.MCRO.

Any macro files find should also be listed in your .ini file - could you post/attach this please?


P.S. I moved your post from the FAQ section - please post all support requests here, in the support section. Thanks.

Thanks for your quick reply, and thanks for guiding me in this new world.
I have attached my INI file and my a320.mcro file who is located here C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules


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Just now, Lars Jolls said:

Thanks for your quick reply, and thanks for guiding me in this new world.
I have attached my INI file and my a320.mcro file who is located here C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules


Ohhhh I can see that MACRO file is named .txt - which text program does not save it as .txt ? I have created it as new file by right click on desktop and afterwards copied information into it.


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2 hours ago, Lars Jolls said:

Ohhhh I can see that MACRO file is named .txt

Yes, that will be your problem!

If you left-click the filename and hold for a second or so before releasing, you can change the filename and extension (or right-click and 'Rename'). You will have to confirm the change.

Notepad++ is a good free source editor that a lot of people, including myself, use for this type of thing.

Btw, your FSUIPC version is quite old now - the latest (and only supported) version is 5.152. please update at some point.



P.S. Its a good idea to set the AutoAssignLetters ini parameter to Yes (or manually assign them - see the "Joy Letters" section of the User Guide, p24 in latest version). This will prevent possible problems if your USB device numbers change for some reason.

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18 hours ago, Lars Jolls said:

Thanks for your reply. I have now renamed it and updated to newest version 
It is placed in C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules 

But it is still not available in the top up the list in  FSUIPC, not even if i scroll down and search for the naming in file.

I´m sure it is because I miss something, but can´t figure out what.
I tried to follow José step by step guide from here https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/78593-master-eng-switch-12/



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Thanks for your reply. I have now renamed it and updated to newest version 
It is placed in C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules 

But it is still not available in the top up the list in  FSUIPC, not even if i scroll down and search for the naming in file.

I´m sure it is because I miss something, but can´t figure out what.
I tried to follow José step by step guide from here https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/78593-master-eng-switch-12/


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  • 2 months later...

How are you trying to do this? Are you using the macro file (provided in the first post in this topic) to access the A320 lvars? What is your actual problem - is the macro file loaded? Can you see the lvars in the FSUIPC assignment dropdown?

Check the Advanced User guide, starting from section Gauge local variable access (L:vars), by macro.


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