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Hi Paul,

Just a quick question - seeing some arb exceptions (group '0~~~GetSnapshot~~~' does not exist).

Quick question - does getpositionsnapshot do a process() call through FSUIPC on it's own, or does the update only occur once I call FSUIPCConnection.Process()?  I think there's too many process() calls being executed, so just trying to determine what I can / need to slow down.



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does getpositionsnapshot do a process() call through FSUIPC on it's own, or does the update only occur once I call FSUIPCConnection.Process()? 

Glad you got it sorted. To answer the above question...

These kind of helper methods (getPositionSnapshot(), ReadLVAR() etc.) all do a Process() in the background.

You only need to call Process() to handle your own Offsets. It's not required when you use any helper method or module (e.g PayloadServices).


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