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I have just bought the FSLABS A320 for FSX Steam and when i try to move the joystick the aircraft just moves to the right. On the joystick calibration page i am getting Negative numbers when the joystick is in the centre position. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing seems to be working and now its affecting my other aircraft like Aerosoft and PMDG. I dont know what to do I have tried everything. Im scared that ive broke my sim now. Hope you can help



How have you assigned your axes? In FSUIPC or in FSX? If the former, please show your FSUIPC4.ini file.

4 hours ago, matt33 said:

and now its affecting my other aircraft like Aerosoft and PMDG

Have you changed your "default assignments? Are you not using "profiles"?


4 hours ago, matt33 said:

On the joystick calibration page i am getting Negative numbers when the joystick is in the centre position

Strange. That screenshot (pretty useless as it is) just says that your axis aren't being processed by FSUIPC.

4 hours ago, matt33 said:

Im scared that ive broke my sim now

I'm sure you haven't. Don't worry, it's probably something simple that you've missed. But, before we can help, you need to provide further information:
   - your FSUIPC4.ini and FSUIPC4.log files
  -  more information on what you actually did. I'm sure that you didn't just install the aircraft and then try and calibrate. Did you assign? Are you using profiles (again) [and if not, why not?]?

And if you uninstall, and your FSUIPC.ini file hasn't change, it can't possibly affect other aircraft. Have you changed the "default" (i.e. valid for ALL aircraft) assignment profile?



Hi thanks for your reply after doing more research ive figured out what was wrong. I had to recalibrate my Joystick within the FSX Steam menu. I feel stupid that i didnt try that before.

Thanks Again 🙂


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