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FSUIPC & Project Magenta button assignment failed


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here is my setup :

PC#1 :

MSFS 2020 is installed on windows 10 with FSUIPC 7  , Goflight hardware and Goflight interface Tool from Pollypot.

PC#2 :

Project Magenta airbus ABGC,MCDU and FCU are installed on windows 10 with WideFS 7

FSUIPC and Wideclient are connected successfully.

I'm using goflight MCP pro panel and button/rotaries press are detected in FSUIPC but when assigned to PM AB altitude push , for instance, the FCU software doesn't receive the command. 

on the other hand, Goflight TQ6 axis are managed correctly between MSFS, FSUIPC 7 axis assignment and PM Airbus FCU

by the way, PFD, ND  are working correctly through the network, only FSUIPC button assignement process is failing.






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1 hour ago, mermoz33 said:

I'm using goflight MCP pro panel and button/rotaries press are detected in FSUIPC but when assigned to PM AB altitude push , for instance, the FCU software doesn't receive the command.

The added control PM AB ALT button push should be okay. It only toggles a bit in a PM offset (bit 24 in 32-bit offset 5414) which PM then responds to.

Can you do some logging, please. In the Log options enable 'Buttons and Keys' and in the Offsets option enter 5414 as type U32, with Hex checked and Nromal Log selected below. Just do this when you are ready to test your assignment, then try that and then get the FSUIPC7.log and show us what it says.



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Thank you Pete, here are the results, so it seems the button action is successfully received on PC#2....but the FCU (App id=9196)  doesn't respond..., there is no button animation nor display change..



373375 Monitor IPC:5414 (U32) = 0x1000000
   379641 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=158, Btn=13, Pressed
   379641 [Buttons] 2=P158,13,C2056,0
   379641 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=2056, Param=0
   379641 PM action: 5414 bits toggled: 0x01000000

Wideclient.log   with line Monitor=5414,4

5047 Monitored data read by app: [App id=9196]
              Offset 05414:  
              00 00 00 00                                       ....
     5188 Monitored data read by app: [App id=9196]
              Offset 05414:  
              00 00 00 00                                       ....
     5266 Monitored LAN data received:
              Offset 05414:  
              00 00 00 01                                       ....
     5266 Monitored data read by app: [App id=9196]
              Offset 05414:  
              00 00 00 01                       

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1 hour ago, mermoz33 said:

it seems the button action is successfully received on PC#2....but the FCU (App id=9196)  doesn't respond..., there is no button animation nor display change..

So, maybe you need to go over to PM support then.  But do post back when you have the answer.

Actually, this doesn't look correct:

   373375 Monitor IPC:5414 (U32) = 0x1000000

So bit 24 was set then.

The next part is 3 seconds later:

   379641 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=158, Btn=13, Pressed
   379641 [Buttons] 2=P158,13,C2056,0
   379641 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=2056, Param=0
   379641 PM action: 5414 bits toggled: 0x01000000

and despite the correct control being instigated, bit 24 hasn't changed.

Was that the first time you pressed the button in this session? All offsets start off as zero, so unless PM set that bit before that log section, the use of the button must have.

Using the button again probably should have toggled the bit off. I'm not sure offhand -- maybe PM should be turning it off  when it has seen it. i'll need to check the code in FSUIPC. But not now, it's late and i'm off to bed. I'll check in the morning.




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Okay. I've tested this both in FSUIPC6 and FSUIPC7 and the action of that PM control is exactly as prescribed -- it toggles bit 24 in offset 5414. that accords with the PM documentation for the ALT button push.

You are lucky I noticed your PM to me (I don't see these most of the time). Why a PM just to attach logs? You can do the same here.

Anyway, both the FSUIPC and WideClient logs show the bit correctly toggling on and off when you use the assigned button. The FSUIPC log shows it clearest:

   373375 Monitor IPC:5414 (U32) = 0x1000000
   379641 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=158, Btn=13, Pressed
   379641 [Buttons] 2=P158,13,C2056,0
   379641 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=2056, Param=0
   379641 PM action: 5414 bits toggled: 0x01000000
   379641 Monitor IPC:5414 (U32) = 0x0
   379641 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009e 00406010}
   379844 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009e 00404010}
   379844 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=158, Btn=13, Released
   380344 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=158, Btn=13, Pressed
   380344 [Buttons] 2=P158,13,C2056,0
   380344 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=2056, Param=0
   380344 PM action: 5414 bits toggled: 0x01000000
   380344 JoystickValues PCnum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={0000009e 00406010}
   380359 Monitor IPC:5414 (U32) = 0x1000000

The WideFs log shows this too, though of course the joystick button action isn't logged there.

So your problem is definitely a matter for PM support, which I hope is still active.

Note that, whilst I've not used PM for about 5 years, I did use it and was quite closely involved with Enrico on that project since FS98 days -- that's why there are so many PM-specific things built into FSUIPC. With other avionics system add-ons like Sim-Avionics and ProSim the offset management and assignment methods were left to the project developers.

I'm now a confirmed ProSim user. ProSim have largely moved over to using SimConnect directly rather than through FSUIPC.




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