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.NET Assembly (DLL and XML) - 64 bits


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Where could I download the DLL file and the XML file of the .Net Assembly in 64 bits of the version 3 ?

In the package of FSUIPC there is only version 2.4 in 32 bits and I can't use it.

I need them to work with Windev (WLanguage).


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Hi Didier,

I only distribute it on NuGet now as it's much easier for me, and also for the users to keep up-to-date.

If WinDev doesn't support NuGet you can use Visual Studio to download the package into a blank project and pick up the files from there.

Or, you can download the package directly from the NuGet website:


Rename the .nupkg to .zip, then you can just unzip it and get the DLL and XML from the 'lib' folder.


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Hello Paul,

Thank's I can now import .net assembly of FSUIPCCLient il Windev program. 🙂

I can connect to FSUIPC, but when I want to call "FSUIPCConnection.Process()", i've an error (I've transleted in english) :
"Error: The invocation of method <Process ()> of type <Void> failed. The .NET Framework returned the following error: Group "" does not exist."

My .NET Framework si 4.8 (windows 10).

Have you an idea to resolve this ?

After, i've problem to read Offset because I can't create object with Offset() or Offset<T> in Windev. I cannot instantiate an Object with Offset. I've an error like this : "Wrong parameter for the constructor of the Offset Class".

Another question : do you speak french ? I ask this because there is some french sentence in the  VB example code (Visual Studio) 🙂

Thank's Paul.


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Hi Didier,


Group "" does not exist."

Have you an idea to resolve this ?

This happens when you try to Process() but there are no Offsets created. This will be work if we can solve your next problem:


i've problem to read Offset because I can't create object with Offset() or Offset<T> in Windev. I cannot instantiate an Object with Offset. I've an error like this : "Wrong parameter for the constructor of the Offset Class".

Can you post your code here (where you create offsets)?. Maybe I can see the problem.


do you speak french

A bit, but I'm not fluent.


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Ok for Process()....

So here is my code :

MessageErreur is string

Offset_Airspeed is 4-byte unsigned int
Offset_Airspeed = 0x02BC

MonOffset is Offset(Offset_Airspeed)  <== HERE IS THE ERROR

    FSUIPCConnection::Open()  <== works OK

IF FSUIPCConnection::IsOpen THEN  <== works OK
    Info("FSUIPC7 Connecté à " + FSUIPCConnection.FlightSimVersionConnected.ToString())
    Error("FSUIPC7 déconnecté !")

    FSUIPCConnection.Process()  <== HERE IS THE ERROR
    // Message complet de l'erreur principale
    MessageErreur = "erreur : " + ExceptionInfo(errMessage) + CR
    // Parcours des sous-erreurs (s'il y en a)
    FOR i = 1 _TO_ ExceptionInfo(errNumberSubError)
        // Message complet de chaque sous-erreur
        MessageErreur += "Sous-erreur " + i + " : " + ExceptionInfo(errMessage, i)


I can't read FSUIPCException too... 😞






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Looking at the WinDev documentation for .NET (https://doc.windev.com/en-US/?2012002&name=Using_NET_assemblies) I think you need to declare the offset like this:

Offset_Airspeed is "Offset<4-byte unsigned int>"(0x02BC)

Then use the value like this:

AirspeedKnots is real
AirspeedKnots = Offset_Airspeed.Value / 128.0

I can't test this however.

The strongly-typed offset (with <>) is easier to use. If you really want to use the base Offset() class then you also need to include the length of the offset:

Offset_Airspeed is Offset(0x02BC, 4)


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Fine !!!!!!!!!!


The code is :

Offset_Airspeed    is "Offset<Uint>"(0x02BC)

AirspeedKnots    is real

AirspeedKnots = Offset_Airspeed.Value / 128.0


I'll try other possibility and I'll say to you result 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Thank's Paul !!



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Hello Paul,

I come back to you, perhaps have you an Idea to read Lights 🙂

I use this :

     Lights  is "Offset<FsBitArray>"(0x0D0C, 2)

And when I want to read the value of Navigation lights ("0") like this :

     Lights.Value[0]   ---> (I can't use Lights.Value(0) , cause it's for Functions)

I've an error : "Unable to access subitem"
I've same error when I try Lights.Value[1] for Beacon .... etc...

So I've tried to instanciate with
     Lights  is "Offset<BitArray>"(0x0D0C, 2)
but it's same issue...

Have you an idea to resolve this ?

Thank's Paul.

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Hi Didier,

In .NET the array access for these classes is fake. The compiler will replace myBitArray[2] with myBitArray.Get(2). 

It looks like WinDev doesn't understand this, so try calling the Get() function directly:



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Thank's Paul...

I think it's good, i've right response...

If I want to change value, I think I use
     Lights.Value.Set(0) = 1 or  Lights.Value.Set(0, 1)
     Lights.Value.Set(0) = 0 or Lights.Value.Set(0, 0)

That's right ?

Thank's Paul !!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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