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my old Saitek Trim Wheel is not working in MSFS.  Strangly, the Trim Wheel is being identified by MSFS correctly and can be calibrated as other hardware (Saitek Yoke). But turning the Trim Wheel in flight does not affect the behaviour of the aircraft at all.
My question now is, will I get the Saitek Trim Wheel working with registered version of FSUIPC7 ?
Thank you

  On 1/24/2021 at 2:18 PM, Tatankamani said:

My question now is, will I get the Saitek Trim Wheel working with registered version of FSUIPC7 ?


I don't know - it should be recognised directly if its a hid joystick type device, and programmable via lua if its any other type of hid device.

I can provide you with a time-limited license to try the registered facilities if you like - let me know.



Thank you John for providing the key, but I had no success so far. 

Here is what I did:

- Start FSUIPC with Alt+F

- Axis Assignment

- Rescan

- rotate Trim Wheel

- Trim Wheel immediately identified; IN and OUT numbers are changing with wheel movment

- send to FS as normal Axis

- made a Testflight 

But Trim Wheel does not affect flight behaviour, as it was without FSUIPC.

Any idea what else I could try ?



  On 1/25/2021 at 2:45 PM, Tatankamani said:

Here is what I did:

- Start FSUIPC with Alt+F

- Axis Assignment

- Rescan

- rotate Trim Wheel

- Trim Wheel immediately identified; IN and OUT numbers are changing with wheel movment

- send to FS as normal Axis

- made a Testflight 

But Trim Wheel does not affect flight behaviour, as it was without FSUIPC.


What control are you assigning to? Which aircraft are you using?
Could you activate logging for Axis controls and events, and generate a short log file (just load a plane and turn the trim wheel through its full range, then exit). Then attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files and I'll take a look.


1) Here are the requested files. 

2) I have sent data direct to FSUIPC calibration. But in menu Joystick calibration - Elevator trim, none of displayed figures did change when turning the wheel. Btw. I know this function from FSUIPC4. Additionally I did the same with my Yoke, which is working fine in MSFS. Calibration figures did not change either, when moving the Yoke. 

FSUIPC7.iniFetching info... FSUIPC7.logFetching info...


But your ini file shows that you have no assignments at all!:





Both your Axes and Buttons sections are empty!

Did you select an appropriate control from the drop-down menu? I think not.
Please see the User Guide.



If its not clear, you missed the step of actually assigning an axis control to your device's axis:

  On 1/25/2021 at 2:45 PM, Tatankamani said:

- rotate Trim Wheel

- Trim Wheel immediately identified; IN and OUT numbers are changing with wheel movment

- send to FS as normal Axis


  - check first checkbox, and select the appropriate axis that you would like your device to control, e.g. Axis Ailerons Set



Thank you; I try it again. But it will take one or two days. I am having problems with my PC and need to figure out where do it come from. I am back, as soon FS is running again.


Hi John,

thank you for your additional advice on the missing step. I did not select the checkbox  "Axis Elev. Trim Set" . Trim Wheel is working now with default setting "send to FS as normal Axis". I am going to purchase a registered copy of FSUIPC7.

Thank you again


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